Parish Notices Sunday 5th May 2019

The Rector writes ‘ The Annual Easter Vestry takes place in the Parish Hall at 7:30 pm this coming Thursday night 9th May. At this public meeting, which is open to  everyone, the already approved 2018 parish accounts will be adopted. I will speak about our parish life in the year gone by, what has been achieved during that time and thanking all those who have been instrumental in the  running of our parish. The Church Wardens and Select Vestry will be voted in by all those gathered who are  currently registered as Vestry Persons.  But whether you are registered as a voter in the parish or not, why not come along to the Easter Vestry anyway? After all, this is your parish and you should inform yourself about what is being done in your name. I guarantee you that you won’t be pushed into any job that you don’t want to take on.  If you haven’t attended an Easter Vestry so far in your life, why not try it this year – indeed you get a surprise and enjoy it! I really hope to see you there!’

Time to think about what is lying around in the Attic or the Garage!   It won’t be long now until 25th May and our Parish Féte in St Mary’s School.

Confirmation Service next Sunday 12th at 11:15am in St John’s Monkstown. All welcome to attend. Please keep Julie, Philip, Rachel, Rian and Nicholas in your prayers during the coming week.

Note that there will be no service in St Mary’s Church Carrigaline next Sunday 12th.

8th May     Holy Communion 10:30am St Mary’s Church

9th May     Friendship Club 11am Rectory

                      Easter Vestry 7:30pm Parish Hall. ALL WELCOME !

12th May   Confirmation Service , United Service 11:15am, St John’s Church

13th May   Littlies + One 10-12 Parish Hall

20th May  Theological Book Circle 8pm Rectory

21st May    Rector’s talk on ‘Ecumenics & Ecology’ 7:30pm,

Sacred Heart Church, Monkstown

25th May   Parish Fete 10-2pm St Mary’s School & Grounds

          Youth BBQ 7-9pm St Mary’s Churchyard

30th May   Commissioning of Hilary Dring as MU Diocesan

President 7:30pm St Mary’s Church, Carrigaline

22nd – 26th July     THE ADVENTURE CRUISE Holiday Club 10-1pm St Mary’s School. Forms now available from Parish Office

The Conversion of St. Paul

Sir John Betjeman  1906 – 1984

What is conversion? Not at all
For me the experience of St Paul,
No blinding light, a fitful glow
Is all the light of faith I know
Which sometimes goes completely out
And leaves me plunging into doubt
Until I will myself to go
And worship in God’s house below —
My parish church — and even there
I find distractions everywhere.

What is Conversion? Turning round
To gaze upon a love profound.
For some of us see Jesus plain
And never once look back again,
And some of us have seen and known
And turned and gone away alone,
But most of us turn slow to see
The figure hanging on a tree
And stumble on and blindly grope
Upheld by intermittent hope.
God grant before we die we all
May see the light as did St Paul.

Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on May 8, 2019

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