ARCHIVE July, 2012

Parish Notices 29th July 2012

The Rector writes…  ‘Last week in St John’s I spoke on the gospel story where Jesus heads off for some rest only to be followed by people who needed him and his healing powers. It is true that we plan out the day and the week ahead, usually putting far too many things on our […]

July 30, 2012 in Parish Notices by

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Parish Notices 22nd July 2012

The Rector writes…  The Rector writes ‘I have just come back from a short holiday. I was officiating at a wedding in Kilkenny and then I spent some time visiting a friend in Wicklow. While it was a short period of time it was a lovely break from the normal routine of life and I […]

July 25, 2012 in Parish Notices by

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Parish Notices 15th July 2012

The Rector writes…  ‘The question of how we as Christians respond to the human suffering around us is one that just keeps on cropping up. Do we feel that we must become personally involved or do we shrink from contact and hide our heads in our religion? Like the person who said that they had […]

July 16, 2012 in Parish Notices by

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Parish Notices 8th July 2012

The Rector writes…  ‘You would be forgiven for thinking that it is April or November, but nonetheless it IS actually summer! The schools have finished up, we have had a very successful ‘Holiday Club’ day last Wednesday, and it is time for me to let you know my own holiday plans.  Due to prior commitments […]

July 9, 2012 in Parish Notices by

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Parish Fete June 23rd 2012

July 4, 2012 in Events, Gallery by

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