ARCHIVE February, 2014

Parish Notices Sunday 23rd February 2014

The Rector writes- ‘Today’s Famine Lunch is not for Parish Funds but will go to the Mothers’ Union Overseas Fund of which Hilary Dring spoke on this page last week. But it does give me an opportunity to speak to you about our income and expenditure. As a parish community we find that we always […]

February 24, 2014 in Parish Notices by

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Parish Notices Sunday 16th February 2014

Hilary Dring (Carrigaline Mothers’ Union Branch President ) writes…. ‘Over the past couple of weeks we have heard about Jesus’ call to love and help our neighbour. In over 80 countries worldwide Mothers’ Union members reach out into their communities to support families in many different ways.  Just in the past couple of weeks the […]

February 17, 2014 in Parish Notices by

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Parish Notices Sunday 9th February 2014

The Rector writes- ‘Thank you to everyone who continues to pop the odd bits & pieces into the baskets at the back of the churches for Penny Dinners, Cork Simon and Cuanlee Women’s Refuge. We made another trip into them a couple of weeks ago which was our second trip since the initiative began before […]

February 10, 2014 in Parish Notices by

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Parish Notices Sunday 2nd February 2014

The Rector writes ‘Today we celebrate ‘The Presentation of Christ in the Temple’ or ‘Candlemas’ as it is also known, and at the end of our Eucharist Service there will be  a  short  liturgy  which reflects the essence of this ‘hinge’ moment in our Christian year.  Also today or rather this evening,  the annual Cork […]

February 3, 2014 in Parish Notices by

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