ARCHIVE April, 2014

Parish Notices Sunday 27th April 2014

The Rector writes: ‘Thank you to everyone who took part in our Holy Week and Easter liturgies. It was a beautiful time and it is only when I look back on some of the photos that were taken that I realise how much we managed to fit in.  Thanks to all who helped with the […]

April 28, 2014 in Parish Notices by

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Parish Notices. Easter Sunday 20th April 2014

On this Easter morning                                                                                                         […]

April 23, 2014 in Parish Notices by

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Parish Notices Sunday 13th April 2014

The Rector writes ‘Today is Palm Sunday and Holy Week begins….the most important week in our Church Calendar.  It provides us with an opportunity to ponder and to relive our Lord’s Passion, Death and Resurrection in our Liturgies …to physically take part in the journey of Holy Week.  As I have mentioned before, my task […]

April 14, 2014 in Parish Notices by

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Parish Notices Sunday 6th April 2014

The Rector writes ‘ Today, as part of the Services in both of our churches,  we will have the commissioning of 14 Lay Assistants at Holy Communion.  They are Jack Hanna, Kay Treacy, Jonathan Fleury and John Sweeney for St John’s Church and Eddie Pierce, Joy Keefe, Peter Coughlan, Clem Carroll, Clare Poole, Evelyn Wilson, Stephanie […]

April 7, 2014 in Parish Notices by

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