ARCHIVE May, 2015
St John’s and St Mary’s Churches, Pentecost, 24th May 2015 The Rector spoke to the congregations before Services began. As you all well know , we had a Referendum on Friday when 62% of the population of this country voted to allow Same Sex Marriage. I want to speak about it for just one […]
May 28, 2015 in Parish Notices by simon
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The Rector writes ‘ Today is Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples who were in hiding and fear of their lives, giving them the courage and skills to do as Jesus had asked them, to go forth and be witnesses to his truth. I’d also like to take a moment today to […]
May 25, 2015 in Parish Notices by simon
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The Rector writes ‘ Thursday last was Ascension Thursday, when our Risen Lord returned to his Father in heaven. Ascension Thursday is exactly 40 days from Easter Day, then we have another 10 days until Pentecost, so in all there are 50 days from Easter to Pentecost. This is the time we call ‘Easter-tide’ when […]
May 18, 2015 in Parish Notices by simon
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This year’s Parish Fête will take place at the end of this month, Saturday 30th May in the Canon McCrea Hall and the grounds of the School. Please contact Eddie Pierce (0872557505)or the Rector if you would like to be involved in helping out at a stall or if you have any items for any of […]
May 11, 2015 in Events by simon
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The Rector writes ‘ We welcome Olive Jennings to St John’s and Andrew Coleman to St Mary’s to speak to us about the work of Christian Aid as part of their special Christian Aid week which begins today. John Sweeney is our Christian Aid Representative in this parish and you can speak to him at […]
May 11, 2015 in Parish Notices by simon
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