ARCHIVE September, 2017
Carrigaline Union Harvest Supper Saturday 7th October at 7.30pm in the Canon McCrea Hall, St Mary’s School, Carrigaline. All Welcome. Ticket €15 includes supper and dancing. Contact Henry Forbes 0872035000 or Joy Keefe 0872559844 for tickets or the Parish Office.
September 25, 2017 in Events by simon
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The Rector writes ‘Our Harvest festivals kick off next Sunday 1st October when we will have a United Service in St Mary’s Church at 11am. Keith Dyde will be our preacher and don’t forget to ’Bring & Share’ something for the lunch in the Parish Hall afterwards when we can all get a chance to […]
September 25, 2017 in Parish Notices by simon
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The Rector writes ’Next week in St Mary’s Church we will have our annual Blessing of the Animals Service and I hope to meet many of my Furry, Feathery and indeed Scaly parishioners there. For some of you the 9.30am Eucharist in St John’s may seem the saner option! ‘ MOTHERS’ UNION-We will celebrate […]
September 18, 2017 in Parish Notices by simon
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The Rector writes ‘ A reminder to those of you who have grown some Sunflowers from the seeds which were given out on Rogation Sunday…. Do take a photo of yourself along with your Sunflower and send it to me with the measurements of the tallest flower. There will be an ‘Adult’ category and a […]
September 11, 2017 in Parish Notices by simon
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The Select Vestry invite you all to join them in the Rectory Garden for a Barbecue at 7:30pm on Friday 8th September. As we have to have numbers ahead of time, please let Christine in the Parish Office know if you are coming and if you are able to bring a Salad or a Dessert…… […]
September 4, 2017 in Events by simon
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