ARCHIVE February, 2018

Parish Notices Sunday 25th February 2018

The Rector writes ‘Fair Trade Fortnight begins tomorrow and the theme this year is to ‘Check out Fair Trade’ . As you are all aware, we have been a Fair Trade Parish since 2012 and when possible we buy Fair Trade goods like tea, coffee, sugar etc. and we try and promote fairtrade initiatives when […]

February 26, 2018 in Parish Notices by

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Parish Notices Sunday 18th February 2018

The Rector writes ‘ The good news for the Carrigaline area is that the St Patrick’s Day Parade is coming back to the town thanks to a very dedicated group of individuals who are now desperately seeking help! They are having Cake Sales after the morning Masses  in the Parish Centre Carrigaline next Sunday 25th […]

February 19, 2018 in Parish Notices by

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Parish Notices Sunday 11th February 2018

The Rector writes ‘’I will be giving Christian Aid Lenten Boxes to all of the children in our parish school this year and I do have some spare boxes for any children in the parish who won’t get one from the school. Christian Aid’s Appeal this Lent is that we literally ‘Count our Blessings’ each […]

February 12, 2018 in Parish Notices by

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Parish Notices Sunday 4th February 2018

The Rector writes ‘Tonight(4th February) at 8pm , in St Mary’s Church, the Carrigaline Choral Group, Dan Twomey Tenor Soloist and the Men’s Shed Choir Carrigaline, will be performing their best for a wonderful cause. ‘Give us a Song’ Cancer Research Recital was held in our church last year too and a lot of people in […]

February 5, 2018 in Parish Notices by

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(021) 437 4045