ARCHIVE April, 2018
The Rector writes ‘Welcome to our United Service! Whenever there is a ‘5th’ Sunday in the month (usually 4 times in the year) , it is our tradition to hold a morning Eucharist Service together in one of our two churches, followed by an evening Service of Wholeness & Healing in the other church. As […]
April 30, 2018 in Parish Notices by simon
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The Rector writes ‘ Today, the 4th Sunday of Easter, is also known as Good Shepherd Sunday. The name derives from the gospel reading for the day, which is always taken from the tenth chapter of John’s Gospel. In this passage Christ is described as the “Good Shepherd” who lays down his life for his sheep. The image of Christ as our […]
April 23, 2018 in Parish Notices by simon
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CHEESE & WINE FILM NIGHT-For those of you who missed last year’s Gosforth’s Fete (and for those of you who would like to see it again!) we will screen the play next Friday April 20th at 7:30pm in our Parish Hall. This will be a cheese and wine social evening to raise funds for repairs […]
April 16, 2018 in Parish Notices by simon
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