ARCHIVE February, 2019

Parish Notices Sunday 24th February 2019

The Rector writes ‘’Tomorrow begins the annual ‘Fairtrade Fortnight’ when thousands of individuals, companies and groups come together to celebrate the people who grow our food, people who live in some of the poorest countries in the world and who are often exploited and badly paid. This year in Ireland we are focusing on the […]

February 25, 2019 in Parish Notices by

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Parish Notices Sunday 17th February 2019

The Rector writes ‘The year just seems to be hurtling along, even with Lent beginning late this year (Ash Wednesday is 6th March), it still feels like just yesterday that we celebrated the birth of our Lord and now we are beginning to prepare for Lent and Easter!. With that in mind, I would like […]

February 18, 2019 in Parish Notices by

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Parish Notices Sunday 10th February 2019

The Rector writes ‘Music is such an important part of our worship. It has enormous power to engage the emotions, and our Bible resounds with praise and thanks to God through music. In past years, before almost everyone could read, music helped people to remember God’s word as well as reminding people of the glories […]

February 11, 2019 in Parish Notices by

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Parish Notices Sunday 3rd February 2019

BIN there, DONE that. Down in the Church Hall, the truth has proved bitter. Some people are careless in dumping their litter. If you are uncertain which is the right bin, Please read the guidelines when you drop rubbish in. Food waste in the left House waste in the middle, Recycling in the right   […]

February 4, 2019 in Parish Notices by

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