Parish Notices Sunday 26th May 2013

The Rector writes ‘Today is Trinity Sunday.  In the life of the Church, we often have special Sundays.  These special Sundays usually remember specific historical events in the life of Christ.   On Easter Sunday we remember the resurrection of Jesus,  last Sunday, Pentecost Sunday, we remembered that the Holy Spirit came and lived within the first Christians,  enabling and empowering them to go and preach the Good News.   Today is the only Sunday in the year which is dedicated to a doctrine, the doctrine of the Trinity.    The doctrine of three Persons of God: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.   In order to know God in all of God’s wonderful complexity and persona,  we need to know God the Creator who at the same time is the loving Father , God the Son who loved us so much that he died on the cross to forgive us our sins, God the Holy Spirit who is in us at this moment.

TODDLERS PLUS ONE GROUP and MONDAY CLUB meet tomorrow as normal. Toddlers group from 10am-midday and Monday club from 3-5pm.

PARISH FETE takes place next Saturday 1st  June from 10am-2pm in St Mary’s National School, Waterpark, Carrigaline. We are currently accepting items to sell at the Fete : good quality bric-a brac,  unwanted gifts,  toys, cakes, home produce, dvds, books, bottles, crafts etc. We especially need PLANTS as they sold like wildfire at last week’s Flower Festival.  Boxes are available in both churches for your items or you can leave them into the Parish Office  during working hours. If they need collecting please contact Eddie Pierce on 087-2557505.We look forward to seeing you there for some summer fun! Please do spread the word about this great event.

Junior Heroes Holiday Club  Forms are available in the parish office for this year’s Summer Holiday Club run jointly by Templebreedy and Carrigaline Parishes. July 22-26 from 10am-1pm in the Canon McCrea School Hall. Pre-booking is required.

THEOLOGICAL BOOK CIRCLE Our new book is Joseph F. Girzone ‘Joshua : A Parable for today’ . We meet in the Rectory at 8pm on Wednesday 17th July to discuss. All welcome.

Douglas Union is presenting an evening of choral music with Cor Mhagh Ealla (a four part choir from Mallow) in concert in St. Michael’s Church,  Blackrock on Friday, 7th June at 8pm. This choir has achieved many awards including 1st Place at Limerick Choral Festival, Feis Maitu and AMS Festival in New Ross. All welcome. Donations can be made at the door in aid of parish funds.

MEN’s Shed All men are welcome to go along and find out more about the companionship and skills training available in the Men’s Shed Kilnagleary on the Minane Bridge Road.  See leaflets at back for further details.

Rents at reduced rate between now and Christmas!
Carrigaline Allotment Group have allotments available to rent near the Crosshaven Road. Choose full sized, half, or share with friends. See Carrigaline Allotment Group facebook page for more info or ring 087 709899 to arrange to view. Have a space to grow your own this summer!



May 27th        Toddlers plus One group 10am-midday and

Monday club from 3-5pm. St Mary’s Parish Hall.

May 30th        Junior Choir. 630pm St Mary’s Church.

May 31st        CAMEO-Monkstown Bay Sailing Club 1030am-1230pm.

Kilkenny Mothers’ Union group visiting the Rectory.

June 1st          Parish Fête in St Mary’s School, Carrigaline. 10am-2pm

June 9th        Sunday School Prize giving and Parish Picnic in Rectory

June 30th       United Service 11am St John’s Monkstown

July 17th        Theological Book Circle 8pm Rectory

July 22nd –26th Children’s Summer Holiday Club Week.

Sept 29th       United Service :  Blessing of Animals St Mary’s 11am

Healing Service St John’s 7pm

Oct 12th Parish Supper in Canon McCrea Hall.

Oct 13th  St Mary’s Harvest Thanksgiving Eucharist 11am

The Revd Trevor Lester preaching.

St John’s Harvest Thanksgiving Evensong 7pm

The Revd John Ardis preaching


Random Notes               LX    

As a sequel, so to speak, to random notes no. LVIII of Sunday, 12th May, 2013, readers may be interested perhaps to see the  two photographs below,  illustrating to some degree at least the extent of damage occasioned  to the organ as a result of the disastrous fire which broke out beneath it on the morning of Sunday, 23rd March, 2003. These photographs, were taken, together with a collection of others recording the calamity, on the afternoon of the day of the fire.

Carrigaline Church, fire, Sunday, 23rd March, 2003

Carrigaline Church, fire, Sunday, 23rd March, 2003 001







Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on May 27, 2013

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