Parish Notices 23rd September 2012

The Rector writes ‘Thank you to the Parish Renewal Team for their notes last week in my absence. They have done a wonderful job over the last two years in articulating the vision of the Parish. For those of you who don’t know, the team is comprised of : Eddie Pierce, Lesley Roberts, Joy Keefe, Linda Daunt, Anne Ward, Roger Ellis, Cecil Poole. Until very lately, James Fleury and David Nicholson were involved but due to other commitments they are unable to continue with the group and we hope to have other Monkstown people included in the very near future. I thank them all, on your behalf, for the hard work that has gone into this initiative and I look forward to commissioning our new Welcome Packs on Advent Sunday, 2nd December.  A couple of weeks ago, I had asked you to think about what you feel should be involved in our Parish Mission Statement as I feel that a Parish Vision should be an organic thing, able to grow and change with differing circumstances. Things change – you have a new rector for one thing! and as an example, our vision should perhaps now include a reference to our commitment as a Fair Trade Parish. Please do contact me or any of the Renewal Team with your thoughts on this. It is your vision too!’

THEOLOGICAL BOOK CIRCLE  met recently to discuss ‘The Year of Living Biblically’ by A.J. Jacobs. Opinion was divided on a book that managed to be both stimulating and irritating!  Philip Yancey’s book ’’What’s so amazing about Grace?’ was chosen for our next gathering which will be in the Rectory on November 14th at 8pm. If you are buying this book, please think about shopping locally… The Carrigaline Bookstore offers 5% discount to the Book Circle.

PARISH OFFICE Christine has returned as parish administrator this past week.  The office will be open Mon, Wed & Fri from 9.15am to 12.15pm from now on. Roger writes “I would like to thank the rector, church wardens, select vestry & parishioners for their assistance over the last nine months.  The experience has enhanced my sense of belonging in the parish of Carrigaline Union, and indeed the Diocese”.

MIDWEEK COMMUNION SERVICE 10.30am every Wednesday in St Mary’s Church . The first Wednesday of each month will have special prayers for the work of the Mothers’ Union followed by refreshments after the Service. All Welcome.

TODDLERS PLUS ONE GROUP continues on Monday, September 24th. This group of  Toddlers plus ‘one’ (Mum/Dad/Minder) will meet each other in St Mary’s Church Hall from 10am ‘till 12 for playtime and chats with              perhaps a cup of tea thrown in. Contact the rector for details or just turn up!

MONDAY CLUB GROUP also continues on Monday, September 24th. Adults who are free from 3pm to 5pm on Mondays are invited to St Mary’s Church hall for a cup of tea/coffee. While these meetings won’t be  structured as such, we hope to gain a little knowledge from each other as we chat. Contact the rector for details.

ST JOHNS HOME GROUP will meet at fortnightly intervals from 25th September. The group will be using the Crossway Bible Guide “Discovering Luke’s Gospel” by Simon Jones (1999), Leicester and will be available to purchase at €6 on the first evening from John Sweeney. Meeting this Tuesday at 8pm in the home of Kay Treacy, Spindlewood, Monkstown. 4842254.

JUNIOR CHOIR meets in St Mary’s Church from 6.30 to 7.30pm each Thursday night. All school going children welcome. Contact the rector or Hilary Dring for more details.

BLESSING OF THE CROPS: Canon Bertie O’Mahony and his community have invited us to join them in the grounds of the church for a service of Blessing the Crops. This will take place at 7pm on Tuesday 25th  September. We have been asked to bring along something from your own garden.

CHARITY RETURNS-If you make regular donations to the Parish and have not already returned your Charity Return form (received during the  summer) please do so to Helen Arnopp. If you require another form please contact Christine in the office.

ST MARY’S INDOOR BOWLING CLUB play short mat bowls in the Canon McCrae Hall at St Mary’s School beside the Community School, Carrigaline. The season runs from September to May and at present are looking for new members. No experience necessary and coaching will be given. Tuesday nights from 7.45 to 10pm. Contact Henry Forbes 4887144 or Denis McLoughlin 087 6100717.

OWENABUE GARDEN CLUB meeting Mon 24th September in Canon McCrae Hall (school hall). Speaker—Willie Grainger.

C.A.M.E.O. (Come And Meet Each Other) Club meets on the last Friday of each month in the Monkstown Bay Sailing Clubhouse (near the Bosun) in Monkstown. Everyone is welcome to drop in for a coffee, home baking and a chat. New comers to the area, senior citizens and those who live alone are particularly welcome. We start up again after the summer break on Friday 28th September. Time: 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Contact Hazel Fleury 4841383 or Mobile 0868157821.

FAIR TRADE: We are delighted to announce that on 21st August, we were awarded Fair Trade Parish Status. Well done to us! Our beautiful certificates have been framed for display in our two churches.

HARVEST SERVICES: Our Harvest Collections in both churches will be sent to help the Syrian people who are in dire distress at this time. We are still investigating the most direct charity to route our money through.

CDYC NEWS. President Higgins has launched a “Being Young and Irish     Initiative”, the goal of which is to engage young people (aged 17-26) as active & reflective citizens in contemporary Ireland. Young people are encouraged to contribute their vision and views at

CHILDREN’S MINISTRY COURSE will begin on Saturday 20th October in St Luke’s Home Education Centre. The application forms are now available from the rector.


Sept 24th    Toddlers Plus One 10am in St Mary’s Church hall Monday Club 3pm in Church Hall .

Sept 25th  St John’s Home Group at 8pm in Kay Treacy’s home.

Sept 27th Junior Choir at 6.30pm in St Mary’s Church.

Sept 30th  United Service Blessing of Animals 11am in St Mary’s.

Healing Service 7pm in St John’s.

Oct 7th Parish Harvest Thanksgivings:

United Eucharist Service 11am in St Mary’s

United Evensong Service 7pm in St John’s

Oct 14th Parish Confirmation Service 11am in St Mary’s.

Oct 20th Children’s Ministry Course begins in St Luke’s Education Centre.

Nov 10th Saturday Evening Service 7pm in St Mary’s followed with refreshments.

Nov 11th Remembrance Sunday Services & Remembrance Choral Evensong

Nov 25th Gift Day in the Rectory.

Dec 8th Saturday Evening Service 7pm in St Mary’s followed with refreshments.

Dec 23rd Festival of Nine Lessons & Carols in St John’s Church, Monkstown. 4pm.


2013 dates for your diary

May 17th –19th Pentecost Flower Festival in St Mary’s Church

with the theme  ‘Fruits of the Spirit’


  Random Notes   XXX

The fifty four new Piccolo pipes (pictured above) were fitted and tuned into the Forster and Andrews Organ in St John’s Church Monkstown on Thursday 13th September 2012.

The original (mainly) wooden set of pipes would have been installed when the second manual (the Choir manual/keyboard) was added to the organ. Although they were referred to as Piccolo pipes, they were actually some other type, as proper Piccolo pipes are all made of metal. As the longest pipe is two foot long, the small pipes are liable to split, so metal pipes are more durable. The two foot pitch complements the other four foot, eight foot and sixteen foot pipes at different octaves.

Our new pipes came from a deconsecrated church in Belfast and were installed by Padraig O’Donovan from Clonakilty. The new pipes, excluding the installation and tuning costs, were paid for by some generous parishioners.  They will be dedicated at the United Harvest Evensong on 7th October.



Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on September 24, 2012

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