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Eco Tips

Please check out our Facebook Page (Carrigaline Union of Parishes) for regular Eco Tips

John Andrew – member of Parish Eco Group writes : Good News. The church grounds at St Mary’s Carrigaline is now registered as part of the All Ireland Pollinator Plan at

From Eco Congregation – March 2021

The Spring/Easter 2021 edition of the Eco-Congregation Ireland newsletter is available to read online here ? Thank you to all who sent articles and photos for this edition. Please re-share this post and circulate the newsletter to anyone you feel may be interested! SPREAD THE WORD!!

Season of Creation (1 September – 4 October 2020)

Here are some resources you can access to help with your worship and campaigning:Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference: The theme this year is “Cultivating Hope”. Pope Francis has designated May 2020 – May 2021 as a special anniversary year for Laudato Si’. These resources will help you to plan how you and your faith community might pray, reflect and take action. They include homily notes, mass parts, prayers, reflections for each Sunday of the Season as well as practical actions. All information and resources available here >>
Eco-Congregation Scotland: their writers are drawn from a variety of church backgrounds and pastoral contexts. You can download all the resources as individual weeks or be emailed a complete set. All information and resources are available here >>
Churches Together in Britain and Ireland: there are resources on this website from Climate Sunday, the Catholic Church in England and Wales, the World Council of Churches along with others. All information and resources are available here >>
Season of Creation: this website details activities and resources to celebrate the Season of Creation around the globe and is supported by an ecumenical steering committee and a coalition of partners. All information and resources are available here >>


During the Season of Creation we would like to encourage churches and parishes to take part in our VIRTUAL Climate Justice Candle Project!
All you and your family or church friends need to do is designate one of your own candles as your very own Climate Justice Candle. It can be any size – simply make it look special and put it in a prominent safe place in your home or church premises. Print out one of the prayers on the ECI website – – (or write your own) and set it by the candle (but not so it risks catching fire!). What you then do is up to you! Pray when you can. Perhaps choose a day and a time. Prayerfully consider actions you can take to reduce your own impact on the Earth. All information and prayers are on the ECI website here >>

Post a photo of your candle on Facebook with Shine a Light on Climate Justice as a title and the link to the Eco-Congregation Ireland website – Please also email your photo to Eco-Congregation Ireland so that we can share it on the ECI website and Facebook page – send to These stories will make up a wonderful collection of climate justice actions during Season of Creation!



Recycling List PDF

Why am I not on the list?

Coffee Cups

A disposable coffee cup is made from paper but has a plastic lining that is difficult to remove, so coffee cups must go in your black bin.

Carrier Bags / Refuse Sack

Plastic bags get tangled in the machines and slow down work on the sorting lines as people must empty them.

Soft Plastics

We do not have the technology to recycle soft plastics such as wrappers.

Paper Towels / Napkins

These items are usually made from recycled paper that can only be recycled a limited number of times. You can put them in your compost bin.


Glass is 100% recyclable, however, glass does not go in the recycle bin. Glass should be placed in glass/bottle banks.

Aluminium Foil & Trays

Food can be difficult to clean off used foil and trays so it’s best to put them in your black bin.

Dirty Pizza Boxes

Food stained paper should go in the general waste or compost bin as food is a major contaminant in paper recycling.

Why should items be placed loosely in the bin?

Your mixed recycle bin is sorted into different categories for recycling. If you have placed items inside one another, the machines will not be able to sort them and unwanted items such as food or nappies can enter the system while precious resources are lost.

Why should the items be clean and dry?

If items once contained food or liquid they must be rinsed clean and given a shake to remove the water before going into your recycle bin. Food and liquid can contaminate the materials in the recycling bin. Wet paper cannot be recycled.

Why is there a new list?

,p>Recycled materials such as paper and cardboard, metals and plastic can be sold on the global market but the prices and demand for these materials constantly change. To get the best value for our materials, they need to be cleaned and sorted. China and India are major buyers of recyclable material from Europe and they use these materials for manufacturing instead of extracting raw materials. Over the past year, China and India have requested higher standards and are no longer purchasing mixed materials such as plastics, paper or cardboard baled together. For Ireland to sell its recyclable materials we need to be able to separate these materials quickly and easily. Each household must take care that they only add items from the list to the recycle bin and these items should be clean, dry and loose.

What About Glass?

Glass does not go in the household recycling bin. It should be collected and placed in glass/bottle banks as the separate collection of glass produces the highest quality recycled glass.

Glass is 100% recyclable.

Glass can be recycled repeatedly without losing any of its properties. Not all glassware can be put in glass banks such as cookware, Pyrex, plates, cups and ceramics as they have a different melting point to traditional glass.

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Weekend Services

Sunday Morning: 11:00 am

Church Road
(021) 437 4045