Holy Week Services 2017
9th April Palm Sunday:
- 11am United Service in St Mary’s – Palm Procession with Billy the Donkey through the Estuary Estate, with Palm Liturgy in the Rectory Grounds before returning for a dramatised Passion Liturgy.
- 7pm Choral Evensong St John’s
10th April Monday of Holy Week:
- 1030am Holy Communion in St Mary’s
- Hashtag # Holy Week: ‘Exploring the trending words and events of life’s key story’ with Bishop Paul at 7.30pm in St Luke’s Church Douglas
11th April Tuesday of Holy Week:
- 1030am Holy Communion in St Mary’s
- Hashtag # Holy Week: ‘Exploring the trending words and events of life’s key story’ with Bishop Paul at 7.30pm in St Luke’s Church Douglas
12th April Wednesday of Holy Week:
- 1030am Holy Communion in St Mary’s
- Hashtag # Holy Week: ‘Exploring the trending words and events of life’s key story’ with Bishop Paul at 7.30pm in St Luke’s Church Douglas
13th April Maundy Thursday:
- 7pm SEDER Meal in Parish Hall followed by Holy Communion.
14th April Good Friday:
- 1030am St John’s – Morning Prayer with Litany
- 730pm St Mary’s – Evening Prayer with Litany
15th April Easter Saturday:
- 9pm St Mary’s – Easter Vigil Service
16th April Easter Sunday:
- Dawn Service, meeting at 6am at St John’s Church Monkstown, walking with the parishioners of the Harbour Parishes to the Sea wall (Car Park) for the Ecumenical Service which will be followed by breakfast in the Gill Room.
- 930am St John’s – Easter Eucharist
- 11am St Mary’s – Easter Eucharist