Holy Week Services 2022

10th April Palm Sunday:
9:30am Morning Prayer in St John’s. Palm & Passion Liturgies
11am Morning Prayer in St Mary’s including Palm Procession with Billy the Donkey, returning for Passion Liturgy in the church.
11th April Monday of Holy Week:
10.30am Holy Communion in St Mary’s
12th April Tuesday of Holy Week:
10.30am Holy Communion in St Mary’s
13th April Wednesday of Holy Week:
10.30am Holy Communion in St Mary’s
14th April Maundy Thursday:
12 noon Diocesan Chrism Eucharist in St Factna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery.
7:30pm Maundy Thursday Eucharist in St Mary’s, including washing of the feet.
8:30pm till Dawn Keeping ‘Watch’ with Jesus in St Mary’s Church
15th April Good Friday:
10.30am St John’s – Morning Prayer with Litany
12 noon Ecumenical Stations of the Cross in St Mary’s
Graveyard with our sister church of Our Lady & St John
7.30pm St Mary’s – Evening Prayer with Litany and Passion Drama
16th April Saturday of Holy Week:
9pm St Mary’s – Easter Vigil Service , confirmation candidates reading the first lesson, Pascal candle lit from outside byre.
17th April Easter Sunday:
Dawn Service, meeting at 6:15am at St John’s Church
Monkstown, walking with the parishioners of the Harbour
Parishes to the Sea wall (Car Park) for an Ecumenical Service.
9.30am St John’s – Easter Eucharist
11am St Mary’s – Easter Eucharist