Live Streaming of Services

Normally the 11am  Sunday Service from St Mary’s Church Carrigaline is streamed on YouTube and a recording will be made available for a short time afterwards. Please note that we go live with no sound and a still picture a little while before the actual service starts. Previous services are available on our YouTube channels, just search for “Carrigaline Union of Parishes Streamer.” 

If you would like to follow the readings for Sunday 16th Live-stream, please click on link below :

If you would like to follow the readings for Sunday 23rd Live-stream, please click on link below :

Current Live Streamed Service

You can access the current live service or the most recent live service here:

Recent services are available for up to 8 days.


Most Recent Service, Older Services and General YouTube link.

These are links to our channel on YouTube. All live and recorded services, including the most recent service, appear at either of these links:

Technical Notes.

While our aim is to reliably transmit live 11am services every Sunday, a recorded copy will always be made available as a fallback at the end of each service. This will also suit those of you who for whatever reason cannot “tune-in” at 1100. Recordings are available on YouTube a couple of hours after the live service ends and will remain available for one week after the livestream.

For feedback on technical issues please email Feedback and criticism are always welcome!

We have detailed notes on our setup for the benefit of all parishes who are interested. Please contact if you’d like to know more.

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Service Times & Directions

Weekend Services

Sunday Morning: 11:00 am

Church Road
(021) 437 4045