Mad About Science Workshops
I know we have all just about recovered from the Christmas Holidays, but the Mid-Term break is only just around the corner.
In a few weeks, the little darlings will be brimming with energy and begging to be entertained.
Never fear, we at Mad About Science have it covered. Our next workshop is based on Food Science.
Kids will get the once in a life time opportunity to play with their food while carrying out exciting experiments.
– analyse yucky stomach content for nutrients.
– Why don’t oil and water mix?
– Can you really walk on egg shells without breaking them?
– What happens when you heat vinegar and milk?
All these will be answered and many more!
Carrigaline @ St. Marys Church Hall: Sat 9th February, 10am-1pm
Douglas @ Canon Packham Hall, Church Rd: Sat, 16thFebruary, 10am-1pm
Cost: €20 per child (10% discount for siblings)
Check out for more info or follow us on face book –