Parish Notices 15th April 2012

The Rector writes… ‘Thank you all for participating so fully in our liturgical observance of Holy Week. In our Christian life, these are perhaps the most important days of the whole year and we tap into the spiritual core of a worshipping community by following the events of the week in our services. The palm procession (aided by Billy the Donkey!), reading of the Passion story, the daily services, morning and evening, bringing us to Good Friday when as well as the normal solemn morning and evening services, the children learned and did so much at their Club (thanks to the dedicated leaders we have). The Vigil  on Saturday was wonderful, the Easter garden silhouetted against the dark sky as the Paschal Candle, representing light of Christ, was lit from the fire outside and carried into the church. The Alleluia Egg shaking on Easter day was ‘Eggcelent’ and it is lovely to see our Alleluia Butterflies free again. I hope to see you all next Thursday for the Easter Vestry when, buoyed by our Paschal celebrations,  we turn our attention to the more secular aspects of running our parish’

TEA & COFFEE this morning in St Mary’s after church.

CONFIRMATION 2012 please let the rector know if you would like to be confirmed this year as she needs to give the bishop a list of names before 18th April. There will be a REQUIRED Confirmation Morning Session with the bishop for all candidates on Saturday Morning 28th April in Douglas. As yet there is no date for the actual Confirmation Service.

HOLY COMMUNION every Wednesday in St Mary’s Church at 10.30am. All welcome.

PRAYER REQUEST SHEETS are at the back of both churches. This allows anyone to request prayers which will be incorporated into the prayers said at our Sunday and midweek services. Please just write the date and the first name of the person you would like to be prayed for. More details may be written but names will be not be mentioned aloud but will be remembered silently during our time of corporate and private prayer.

INTERCESSIONS IN CHURCH If you would like to be involved in doing prayer intercessions at our church services, please contact the Rector who will put together a rota of all interested persons . As it will involve a little training in this area, the Rector has put together a small instruction booklet which will help anyone who is new to this area of ministry.

READING ROTAS & TEA/COFFEE ROTAS for April—June are available at the back of the church. If you are unable to read or provide tea/coffee on your allocated Sunday please swop with one of the names on the list or contact the parish administrator.

IRISH TIMES Our church services and details will now be published in Saturday’s edition of the Irish Times.

SPONSORED WALK Parish sponsored walk on Sunday 29th April after united Eucharist in St Mary’s Church. Sponsor forms are available at the back of the church. Proceeds will be divided between Carrigaline Union of Parishes and St Mary’s National School.

THEOLOGICAL BOOK CIRCLE  the book chosen for our first meeting in the Rectory on Tuesday evening 1st May is “The Lost Message of Jesus” by Steve Chalke and Alan Mann.   All welcome.

PARISH WEBSITE Articles for inclusion to the parish administrator please. Check out the website at

EASTER VESTRY Please do come along and take part in this. We meet in the Parish Hall at 7.30pm on Thursday 19th April. Notices will be posted in the Churches.  This is your annual opportunity to hear firsthand what the parish has accomplished in the previous year and, if you are so inclined,  to offer your services for the coming year.  Don’t worry about being coerced into volunteering. It is entirely up to you!  But please do come along and take part, it is your parish after all.

INVITATION  TO WEST CORK The Revd Trevor and Oriel Lester have kindly invited the parish to join them in their Rectory in Altar, Toormore for a Barbeque at 6pm on 22nd July and then join with their parish to attend an Evensong in St Brendan’s Church Crookhaven where Elaine will be preaching the Epilogue at the Evensong.

BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT PROGRAMME begins on Monday 16th April—Monday 4th June in Parish Centre of Our Lady and St John’s Carrigaline at 8pm.  For those who are grieving the death of a loved one or have experienced a significant loss. Contact Ber (Mon– Friday mornings)

TITANIC Well known author and historian, Dr. Alicia St. Leger will present an illustrated lecture on The Story of the Titanic. This will be a fun, informative talk aimed at parents and interested children. Wed, 25th April, 7pm at St. Marys NS, Waterpark.

MAD ABOUT SCIENCE CAMPS – Looking for Summer Camps with a difference? Why not try a science camp? Kids will be educated and entertained each day. Investigate crystallisation, construct robots, extract DNA,  solve CSI mysteries, launch rockets and much more! Junior and Senior camps @ St. Mary’s Church Hall. Checkout




Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on April 16, 2012

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