Parish Notices 15th July 2012
The Rector writes… ‘The question of how we as Christians respond to the human suffering around us is one that just keeps on cropping up. Do we feel that we must become personally involved or do we shrink from contact and hide our heads in our religion? Like the person who said that they had stopped reading the newspaper because the endless stories of war, crime, political shenanigans and manipulations disturbed him and prevented him from meditation and prayer. That perennial question of ‘ What Would Jesus Do?’ disturbs us because if we answer it truthfully, and try to emulate what Jesus would do in a given situation, we can find ourselves completely outside of our comfort zones. I read somewhere recently that ‘Compassion is a gift from God, it is our response to God’s love, the capacity for placing ourselves in another’s predicament. Without compassion, all our good works are meaningless but with it, we become more like Christ’.
THIS MORNING we welcome and thank Bishop Michael Mayes for leading us in our celebration of Holy Communion.
TEA & COFFEE this morning in the church hall after service. All welcome.
HOLY COMMUNION every Wednesday in St Mary’s Church at 10.30am. All welcome.
PRAYER REQUEST SHEETS are at the back of both churches. Please continue to pray for our sisters and brothers in the nation of Nigeria who struggle to exist under extremely difficult conditions. The Mothers’ Union in Cork are linked with the diocese of Kaduna.
INTERCESSIONS If anyone is interest in leading these, please contact the rector.
THEOLOGICAL BOOK CIRCLE At the last meeting, the book ‘The Year of Living Biblically’ by A.J. Jacobs was chosen for our next gathering. A great summer read and we will chat about it in the Rectory at 8pm on 29th August.
CHILDRENS FILM NIGHT. The Rector is organising a Film Night in the Church Hall from 6.30 – 9 pm on Wednesday 15th August. This event is for children in Primary School. There will be a permission form at the back of the church nearer the time.
Elaine will be away from the parish on the following dates:-
JULY: Thursday 12th until Tuesday 17th
(The Revd Adrian Wilkinson 4891539 / The Revd Hazel Minion 4361924 )
Bishop Michael Mayes will celebrate Holy Communion on Sunday 15th July
AUGUST: Thursday 16th until Tuesday 28th
(The Revd Isobel Jackson 4831236)
Canon Noel Scott will celebrate Holy Communion on Sunday 19th August
The Revd Isobel Jackson will celebrate Holy Communion on Wednesday 22nd
August. Mr Ted Rae will officiate at Morning Prayer on Sunday 26th August
SEPTEMBER: Thursday 13th until Tuesday 18th
(The Revd Isobel Jackson 4831236)
It is not yet known who will be covering for the Sunday service
on 16th September.
TEA-TIME TREATS Mothers Union 125th anniversary recipe booklet available at the back of the church – €4.
INVITATION TO WEST CORK The Rector needs to know who will be taking up the invitation of the Revd Trevor and Oriel Lester who have kindly invited the parish to join them in their Rectory in Altar, Toormore for a Barbeque at 6pm on 22nd July and then join with their parish to attend an Evensong in St Brendan’s Church Crookhaven where Elaine will be preaching the Epilogue. At this stage no bus will be required but it is still essential to let them know numbers for catering so please contact the Rector if you intend going.
OPEN STUDIO gallery and garden at the home of Patrick & Anna O’Hara. Manor House, Currabinny. Next Saturday 21st July from 11am until 6pm. Admission €5 includes tea or coffee and ticket for a draw. The prize will be framed prints of works by Patrick & Anna. Individual postcards will also be on sale. Proceeds to St Fin Barre’s Cathedral.
GERMAN STUDENT, male, 19 yrs, seeks family to stay with for 3-4 weeks in August in order to learn English. Good practical worker, willing to help out wherever he stays. Contact Hilary Dring.
READING GLASSES found in St Mary’s last week. They are on the table by the front door.
JARS WANTED! If you have some clean jars with lids (Coffee jars are particularly welcomed) please drop them in to the parish office or the rectory and the rector will make sure they are passed on to people in the parish who make jam, chutneys etc for charity events.
CUP HOLDERS If you have borrowed any of the navy blue cup holders from the Church Hall and they are still at home, could you bring them back into the hall/office please.
CARRIGALINE GARDEN & FLOWER CLUB Summer garden visit on Mon 23rd July to David & Mary Tanner of Glenview Gardens, Desert, Enniskeane. Assemble adjacent to Band Hall, Carrigaline at the earlier time of 6.30pm for directions.