Parish Notices 18th March 2012

The Rector writes…   ‘I always feel that Mothering Sunday is not just for ‘Mothers’ and just as well because at least half of you reading this will not fall into that category indeed some of you are not even female!  On this day, the fourth Sunday of Lent, we are celebrating selfless love in whatever form we have encountered it.  We remember our Mothers and Fathers, significant Teachers, caring Friends, all those who have given to us without wanting anything in return, and when we recall that love, we in turn then give to others that selfsame love. Just as Jesus told us we should do ‘That you love one another, just as I have loved you’ (John 13:34)

SUNDAY SCHOOL this morning in St Marys Church Hall. No Sunday School next Sunday (25th) as it will be an All-Age Service.

MID-WEEK EUCHARIST in St Mary’s Church every Wednesday at 10.30 a.m. All are welcome to come along.

PRAYER REQUEST SHEETS are at the back of both churches. This allows anyone to request prayers which will be incorporated into the prayers said at our Sunday and midweek services. Please just write the date and the first name of the person you would like to be prayed for. More details may be written but names will be not be mentioned aloud but will be remembered silently during our time of corporate and private prayer.

INTERCESSIONS IN CHURCH If you would like to be involved in doing prayer intercessions at our church services, please contact the Rector who will put together a rota of all interested persons . As it will involve a little training in this area, the Rector has put together a small instruction booklet which will help anyone who is new to this area of ministry.

PARENTING COURSE Thursday 29th March in St Mary’s Church Hall 8pm. The topic this month is “Teenage Tensions—Security, Sex and Substances”. Contact Hilary Dring.

ST MARYS NATIONAL SCHOOL Parents Association website is now up and running All upcoming activities will be outlined.

PARISH OFFICE will be closed on Friday 23rd and Monday 26th March. Re-opening Wednesday 28th.

READING ROTAS & TEA/COFFEE ROTAS for April—June are available at the back of the church. If you are unable to read or provide tea/coffee on your allocated Sunday please swop with one of the names on the list or contact the parish administrator.

BISHOPS’ APPEAL There are envelopes for the Bishops’ Appeal available in both churches. The Sunday School teachers have a special Bishops’ Appeal Family collection box together with activity sheets to help the children understand the difference we can make to the lives of others. Lent is a traditional time for remembering those less fortunate than ourselves so if you have given up something for Lent, then perhaps you might like to put aside a little of the money saved into the Bishops’ Appeal fund.

THEOLOGICAL BOOK CIRCLE  sounds fancy but really only involves reading a particular book every three months. The book chosen for our first meeting in the Rectory on Tuesday evening 1st May is “The Lost Message of Jesus” by Steve Chalke and Alan Mann. This is an interesting, thought-provoking book rooted in good scholarship yet accessible to anyone. Jerome in the “Carrigaline Bookshop” has offered to source these books and offers us  a 5% discount as well. Please do support our local shops and keep jobs in the community.

MOTHERS UNION meeting in Crosshaven Church (Templebreedy) Weds 21st March, 8pm. Guest speaker will talk about female nutrition through the ages. All welcome.

PARISH WEBSITE Articles for inclusion to the parish administrator please. Check out the website at

CONDOLENCES have been conveyed to Bishop Paul, on behalf of the Parish, on the death of his father George Colton last week.

CENTENARY DINNER – Cork Church of Ireland Men’s Hockey.  Saturday 31st March in Garryduff Sports Centre. All welcome. Contact Daphne Hales.

TITANIC TALK. Renowned Titanic expert, Alicia St Ledger will give a free talk on this tragedy in St Mary’s School on Weds. 25th April at 8pm

EAST CORK CHORAL SOCIETY presents Bernstein’s Chichester Psalms, Britten’s Rejoice in the Lamb and Vaughan Williams’ 5 Mystical songs. Triskel Christchurch Sat 24th March. Tickets €15 from Pro Musica, Triskel Arts Centre & society members


April 19th    Easter Vestry. St Mary’s Parish Hall 7.30pm

April 29th    Parish sponsored walk after United service in St Mary’s

May 1st       Theological Book Circle, Rectory, 8 pm

May 20th   Christian Aid Service , St John’s 9.30am

May 25th Official Opening of School Extension

May 26th Mothers Union 125th birthday celebration Brunch in Rectory

June 10th Sunday School Prize giving in St Mary’s.

Parish Picnic in Rectory grounds for all.

June 23rd Parish Fete

June 24th  Patronal Evensong in St John’s Church, 3.30 pm with the combined choirs of Monkstown Chamber Choir and the choir of St Canice’s Cathedral, Kilkenny

July 4th ‘Champions!’ children’s day of fun.

Sept 30th Blessing of Animals United Service in St Mary’s.

Oct 7th Parish Harvest Thanksgiving.

United Eucharist Service in St Mary’s 11am

United Evensong Service in St John’s 7pm



Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on March 21, 2012

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