Parish notices 20th-27th November 2011
The institution service for our new Rector, Rev. Elaine Murray, will be held on Sunday afternoon, December 11th at 4pm in St. Mary’s. There will be no morning services in the parish that day . Please do pray for Elaine and her husband Liam as they prepare to move to Cork from Kilkenny in early December. ALL ARE WELCOME TO THIS SERVICE SO PLEASE MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO ATTEND.
POSADA– Mary, Joseph & the donkey will be travelling from home to home in our parish again this advent. Everyone is welcome to be a part of this. Please contact the parish administrator to arrange a suitable date.
MONKSTOWN HOME GROUP-Tuesday 22nd November at 8pm in Lesley Robert’s home, Mount Rivers, Carrigaline.
MOTHER’S UNION– Diocesan Council Meeting. Tuesday 22nd November in St Peter’s Bandon at 7pm.
PARENTING EVENINGS continue at 8pm on Thursday 24th November at St. Mary’s Church Hall, Carrigaline and run the last Thursday of each month for 3 more months. The next one is entitled Teenage Growth –’Built to Last’ . Please contact Hilary Dring on 086-3680513 for more information.All welcome.
CAMEO– Come And Meet Each Other. Takes place on the last Friday of each month (25th November this month) from 10.30am-12.30pm in Monkstown Bay Sailing Club. Everyone is welcome to attend for a cuppa and a chat. Organised by Hazel Fleury and Liz Hanna.
St. Marys National School are holding their annual Christmas Craft Fayre on Dec 3rd and 4th This year we are planning a Winter Wonderland complete with Santa and elves. If anyone has a Santa, Mrs. Santa or elf costumes that we could borrow, we would be very grateful. We are also looking for large decorations eg reindeer, snowmen etc to complete the scene. All items will be returned in perfect condition after the Fayre. Please contact Michelle Woodworth on 086-0830898.
East Cork Choral Society presents MESSIAH. Trinity Presbyterian Church (off MacCurtain St). Saturday 26th November at 8pm. Tickets €15 available from ProMusica, Oliver Plunkett St or on the night.
Caring in the Home- A Course for Families Caring for their Loved Ones in the Home Setting. Many families, either through choice or circumstance, are presented with the task of caring for their elderly family members in the home. This presents a number of challenges, both physical and psychological. This specifically designed 1-day programme, presented by a Health & Safety Consultant and an Occupational Therapist will address various topical issues. Saturday 3rd December 9:30am – 4:00pm St Luke’s Education Centre, Mahon. Lunch Provided. Cost: €50. Further details from Claire Coakley or Bruce Pierce: Tel: 4359444.
Tea & Coffee in St Mary’s, 27th November-Hilary Dring & Hilary Warren-Perry
Flower rota in St Mary’s for December-Caroline Bateman & Irene McLoughlin.
Next Week 27th November 2011 – Bishop Michael Mayes
Morning Prayer- St John’s Monkstown at 9.30am
All-Age Service-St Mary’s Carrigaline at 11am.