Parish Notices 26th August 2012

In Elaine’s absence, The Treasurer writes…  Last week I focused on the finances of the Union and this week I am focusing on the finances of the Dioceses.  At the Diocesan Synod in June 2012 the Diocesan Finance Committee advised that the Diocesan Sustentation Fund was in deficit in June 2011 and likely to be repeated in 2012.  The Diocesan Council does not have any funds at its own disposal to fund the shortfall or to sort out the problem and are turning to the parishes and through them to make personal contact with parish members with a view to seeking lump sum donations to assist the diocese in stabilising the funding of ministry at this time.  In addition to this request each parish is to be surcharged for the next 3 years and the surcharge for Carrigaline Union is €3,404.  The Select Vestry agreed at its meeting in early August to forward our levy immediately.  I would ask you all to support this additional ask from the Diocese to ensure the Diocese can continue to support the ministry to all the parishes in Cork Cloyne and Ross.   (Many thanks to Helen for her writings this week and last)

MR TED RAE is very welcome this morning to celebrate Morning Prayer. Sincere thanks from all parishoners.

TEA & COFFEE this morning in the church hall after service in St Mary’s.

PRAYER REQUEST SHEETS are at the back of both churches. Please continue to pray for our sisters and brothers in the nation of Nigeria who struggle to exist under extremely difficult conditions. The Mothers’ Union in Cork are linked with the diocese of Kaduna.

INTERCESSIONS If anyone is interest in leading these, please contact the rector.

THEOLOGICAL BOOK CIRCLE At the last meeting, the book ‘The Year of Living Biblically’ by A.J. Jacobs was chosen for our next gathering. A great summer read and we will chat about it in the Rectory at 8pm on 29th August.

JUNIOR CHOIR will begin on 20th September. We will meet in the Church from 6.30 to 7.30pm each Thursday night. All school going children welcome. Contact the rector or Hilary Dring for more details.

TODDLERS PLUS ONE GROUP Beginning on Monday, September 10th, this group of Toddlers plus a Mum/Dad/Minder hope to meet each other in St Mary’s Church Hall from 10am ‘till 12 for playtime and chats with perhaps a cup of tea thrown in. Contact the rector for details or just turn up!


Elaine will be away from the parish on the following dates:-

AUGUST:  Thursday 16th until Tuesday 28th

(The Revd Isobel Jackson 4831236)

SEPTEMBER:  Thursday 13th until Tuesday 18th

(The Revd Isobel Jackson 4831236)

It is not yet known who will be covering for the Sunday service on 16th September.

MONDAY CLUB GROUP will commence on Monday, September 10th. Any adult who is free from 3pm to 5pm on Mondays is invited to join a group in St Mary’s Church hall for a cup of tea/coffee. While these meetings won’t be structured as such, we hope to gain a little knowledge from each other as we chat. To begin with, the rector will be showing how to “surf the web”, how to use email, how to use facebook and most importantly how to shop and book flights online! But in the future, who knows what skills we will be sharing? Contact the rector for details.

MOTHERS UNION AGM on Tuesday 28th August in the Church Hall at 8pm.

CHRISTIAN AID Recent collections in St John’s and St Mary’s came to €1,208. This has now been forwarded to Andrew Coleman. Sincere thanks to all parishioners who very generously donated.

MONKSTOWN CHAMBER CHOIR return to practice on Thursday 6th September in St John’s Church at 8pm.  New members are welcome and no audition required! Contact Roger Ellis on 087 9607750.

TEA-TIME TREATS Mothers Union 125th anniversary recipe booklet available at the back of St Mary’s Church – €4.

CHILDREN’S MINISTRY COURSE will begin on Saturday 20th October in St Luke’s Home Education Centre. The application forms are not yet available from Dublin but please put this date in your diary if you intend taking part. The rector will pass on the forms as soon as they are available.

PALLIATIVE CARE WORKSHOP at St Luke’s Home Education Centre. 27th September in Northridge House. The focus will be on self care for the carer in the end of life setting. Contact Bruce Pierce 021 4359444.


Aug 28th      Mothers Union AGM in the Church Hall 8pm.

Sept 1st        Confirmation classes begin. Rectory 6pm till 8pm.

Sept 6th        Monkstown Chamber Choir return to practice in St John’s Church 8pm.

Sept 9th        Planting and Dedication of trees

Sept 10th      Toddlers Plus One group in St Mary’s Church hall 10am. Monday Club in Church Hall 3pm. Find out how to “surf the web”!

Sept 20th     Junior Choir begins in St Mary’s Church. 6.30pm

Sept 30th     United Service Blessing of Animals 11 am in St Mary’s. Healing Service 7pm in St John’s.

Oct 7th Parish Harvest Thanksgivings:

United Eucharist Service in St Mary’s 11am

United Evensong Service in St John’s 7pm

Oct 14th Parish Confirmation Service, 11am in St Mary’s

Oct 20th Children’s Ministry Course in St Lukes Education Centre.

Nov 10th Saturday Evening Service 7pm in St Mary’s followed with refreshments.

Nov 11th Remembrance Sunday Services & Remembrance Choral Evensong

Nov 25th Gift Day in the Rectory.

Dec 15th Saturday Evening Service 7pm in St Mary’s followed with refreshments.

2013 dates for your diary

May 17th –19th Pentecost Flower Festival in St Mary’s Church

with the theme  ‘Fruits of the Spirit’

Random Notes                                                                                 XXVI

Below is a brief history of the Fastnet Lighthouse—one of West Cork’s most famous landmarks, taken from James Morrisey’s 2005 publication.

“The Fastnet Lighthouse is one of the most exposed lighthouses in the world. It is also a truly exceptional feat of design, engineering and construction, the “jewel in the crown” of Irish lighthouses. For one hundred years now, it has withstood everything the Atlantic can hurtle against it. Perched on a rock off the West Cork coast—An Charraig Aonair or “the lonely rock”, also known to emigrants as “the teardrop of Ireland” – the Fastnet Lighthouse was designed by William Douglass, a man whose legacy is still evident in many locations around Ireland’s coastline.

The first Fastnet lighthouse was a cast-iron tower built in the 1850’s, which became structurally unsound as a result of storms and heavy seas rolling in off the Atlantic. The second, and current lighthouse was completed in 1904 after four years of construction. On the night of 21st July that year, a team of inspectors from the Commissioners of Irish Lights set sail to see at first hand the new light and they concluded that it had “entirely fulfilled their expectations in every way”. “The great revolving spokes of light, succeeding each other at intervals of five seconds, gave the most distinctive character possible….it was a most beautiful optical phenomenon” wrote Sir Robert Ball.

“Old Fastnet”, by C.Fox Smith (c.1920)

The ships to the westward, by night and by day

In storm and in sunshine go forth on their way,

The big ships and little ships, swift ships and slow –

And Fastnet, old Fastnet, he watches ‘em go.


Hull down to the westward they vanish afar,

Like the waft of a wing or the flash of a star,

A feather of smoke on the rim of the sky—

And Fastnet, old Fastnet, he waves ‘em goodbye.


Strange stars will behold them, strange harbours will know,

Strange lights by their guiding will beckon and glow,

And they’ll maybe remember and maybe forget,

The Fastnet, old Fastnet, he’s waiting there yet.


Awaiting the day, be it distant or soon,

When the ship from the westward, by night or by noon,

In storm or in sunshine rejoicing will come—

And Fastnet, old Fastnet, he’ll welcome them home






















Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on August 27, 2012

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