Parish Notices 29th January 2012

The Rector writes… “This week I came across a wonderful little paragraph on facebook of all places! It was posted by a congregation of Franciscan Sisters in Oldenburg and it spoke to me. It said “Sometimes I want to ask God why he allows poverty,

famine and injustice in the world when he could do

 something about it,

but I’m afraid he might just ask me the same question!”

Subscriptions are now due for the DIOCESAN MAGAZINE. Please forward €20 to Rowland Newenham or the Parish Office.


There is TEA AND COFFEE in the Church Hall this morning after Morning Prayer in St Mary’s.


The SUNDAY SCHOOL teachers have asked for any donations of markers, pens, colouring pencils, crayons etc that may be lying around at home. These can be handed directly to the teachers or dropped-in to the Parish Office during opening hours.


A reminder that there is 10.30am MID-WEEK EUCHARIST in St Mary’s Church every Wednesday. All are welcome to come along. Next week (Weds 1st February—St Bridgid’s Day) will include prayers for the work of the Mothers’ Union with tea and coffee in the church afterwards.


Michelle Woodworth and the Rector will be running a CHILDREN’S READING IN CHURCH WORKSHOP on Wednesday 8th February in St Mary’s Church from 7-8pm. This will be a fun and pleasant way to introduce young people to reading the scriptures. It will provide practical instructions; answers about why we read certain parts of the bible and some of the history of reading the word of God out loud in churches. It is also a great way to introduce children to public speaking.


Christian Aid’s  partner organizations in the Philippines are responding to the devastation caused by TYPHOON WASHI which battered the south of the country over 17-18 December 2011. Please support the emergency appeal which will be used specifically by Christian Aid for the benefit of those whose homes and lives were devastated in the typhoon last month. There were 1200 people killed and thousands were left homeless. Envelopes are available in both churches this morning.

There are PRAYER REQUEST SHEETS at the back of both churches. This allows anyone to request prayers which will be incorporated into the prayers said at our services. Please just write the date and the first name of the person you would like to be prayed for. More details may be written but only the first name will be mentioned aloud.



Evensong has been celebrated in St John’s Church, Monkstown over the last four years; chanted and sung by Monkstown Chamber Choir. Elaine is very keen that this beautiful service is maintained, supported and encouraged. With this in mind, EVENSONG will be at 7pm on the second Sunday of EVERY month during the year—including the summer months. The next Evensong will be on Sunday  12th February.  Do please join us for this lovely contemplative service with sung psalms, canticles and responses as well as traditional hymns and anthems.

Mid-term MAD ABOUT SCIENCE back by popular demand! Forensic Science Workshop on Sat 11th February at St Mary’s Church Hall, 10am to 1pm. €20 each. 10% discount for siblings. Check out the website:-

On Saturday 25th February (10am—1pm) St Luke’s Home education Centre are hosting a WORKSHOP ON MINDFULNESS—an opportunity to reduce stress in our lives. Also on the same day, CARING FOR THE OLDER ADULT (9.30am—4pm) with professionals helping those who care for older family members at home. Call Claire on 021 4536551 or visit

The PARISH OFFICE is open Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9.30am-1.30pm

There will be a REVISION OF LIST OF VESTRY MEMBERS review meeting in St Mary’s Church Hall at 7.30 p.m. on Thursday 9th February. If you are not registered as a Vestry member you have no vote at the Annual Vestry at Easter so please do come along so as to have your voice heard in your parish.





Categories home, Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on February 6, 2012

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