Parish Notices 6th May 2012

The Rector writes… “Last week I wrote in the Linksheet about all of the commemorations that will be happening in Ireland over the coming decade and how we all need to listen with an open mind to all of these sincerely held memories and perspectives as we journey together through these centenary events.. These thoughts came to me as I watched the Revd Canon George Salter’s marvellous RTE program ‘An Tost Fada’ (The Long Silence) which movingly recounted his family’s enforced departure from their home in West Cork. History can be as recent as yesterday’s events and we all have different memories on exactly what happened just yesterday, never mind 100 years ago! Just think about the various accounts of the Resurrection! The disciples gathered around Jesus all deciphered the events with their own particular personal and cultural slant. As we look back on all that has transpired since 1912, it is amazing that we have grown so much as a nation in just 100 years. I hope and pray that we will get through all of the upcoming commemorations without losing sight of that. While we are on the subject of History, I would like to thank, on your behalf, Lesley Roberts and Roger Ellis who bring us our fascinating ‘Random Notes’ each week.“

HOLY COMMUNION every Wednesday in St Mary’s Church at 10.30am. All welcome.

TEA & COFFEE this morning in St Mary’s Church Hall after service.

PRAYER REQUEST SHEETS are at the back of both churches.

INTERCESSIONS IN CHURCH If you would like to be involved in doing prayer intercessions at our church services, please contact the Rector.

SPONSORED WALK This was a great success last Sunday and the weather just about held out. Thanks to all the walkers and also the many volunteers on the day who helped with marshalling, water stations and tasty refreshments back in the hall afterwards. Any remaining monies collected can be handed to Julia Miller or any of the churchwardens.

COMPANION Lady in Parish with car is available as part-time companion. For more information please contact the rector.

SUMMER FETE Saturday 23rd June. 10am to 2pm. Books, Bric-a-Brac, Plants, Country produce, Café &home baking, Toys, Bouncy Castles, Kids Entertainment and fantastic raffle! Mark this date in your diary now to ensure that this year’s event is as successful as previous years.

KEYS A register is being gathered of all keys associated with St Mary’s and St John’s Churches, halls, offices etc…. If anyone has a key, please contact the parish administrator so these can be logged.

TEA/COFFEE ROTA Quite a number of parishioners have expressed a desire to have the fellowship of refreshments after each of the services in St Mary’s Church and as the rector I completely agree!  In order to do this though, we will need to ‘grow’ the Rota!.  This need not be too onerous on any one set of people if more people will sign up to do it. Please do think about it — it is not too difficult as the cups we use are disposable and we have all the right equipment in the kitchen. Also bear in mind that one does not have to be female to make tea and coffee! So please get in touch with Roger in the office if you think you can help.

BISHOPS’ APPEAL A reminder to any family who still have the Lenten Bishops’ Appeal box to please return it to the Rector. Thank you.

EVENSONG next Sunday 13th May in St John’s, Monkstown at 7pm All welcome.

INVITATION  TO WEST CORK The Revd Trevor and Oriel Lester have kindly invited the parish to join them in their Rectory in Altar, Toormore for a Barbeque at 6pm on 22nd July and then join with their parish to attend an Evensong in St Brendan’s Church Crookhaven where Elaine will be preaching the Epilogue. Some parishioners have suggested we could hire a bus. Please let the Rector know if you would be interested in travelling by bus.

JUNIOR CHOIR  We hope to start up a Junior Choir who will sing and play at the All Age Service. The weekly practices in the Church Hall will begin in mid September, with a day and time to be confirmed later.  Contact the Rector or Hilary Dring if you would like to help in any way with this initiative or if your child would be interested in taking part.

MOTHERS’ UNION Diocesan Council meeting Thursday 17th May at St Peter’s Church, Bandon. Also Diocesan celebration of 125 years on Sunday 20th May 3.30pm at Rosscarbery Cathedral. Saturday 26th May. Mothers’ Union Fundraising Parish Brunch in our Rectory at 10.30am.

FUND FOR THE FUTURE An appeal by the United Dioceses of Cork, Cloyne and Ross for future generations. Badges cost €5 and are at the back of the church

MAD ABOUT SCIENCE CAMPS – Looking for Summer Camps with a difference? Why not try a science camp? Kids will be educated and entertained each day. Investigate crystallisation, construct robots, extract DNA,  solve CSI mysteries, launch rockets and much more! Junior and Senior camps @ St. Mary’s Church Hall. Checkout


Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on May 9, 2012

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