Parish Notices 8th July 2012

The Rector writes…  ‘You would be forgiven for thinking that it is April or November, but nonetheless it IS actually summer! The schools have finished up, we have had a very successful ‘Holiday Club’ day last Wednesday, and it is time for me to let you know my own holiday plans.  Due to prior commitments (a Wedding in Kilkenny and a Conference in Down) I am not taking a chunk of holiday time this year but spreading my time across July, August and September. These dates will be on the Linksheet during the next few months so that you will always know when I am not in Carrigaline and who to contact in case of emergency.  In September our Confirmation classes will begin,  we hope to start up a Junior Choir, and also we will be having monthly Saturday night Services for those who find it hard to get to church on Sunday mornings because of sports commitments.  At the end of September we will have our inaugural Service of Healing and our first Animal Blessing Service and then in early October  we will have our two united Harvest services and the Confirmation Service. So as you can see, we will need to be refreshed for all the action!. I will keep you all in my prayers as you travel up and down the country and across the seas. So… lets all have a lovely rest and come back ready for action in September!’

HOLY COMMUNION every Wednesday in St Mary’s Church at 10.30am. All welcome.

PRAYER REQUEST SHEETS are at the back of both churches. Please continue to pray for our sisters and brothers in the nation of Nigeria who struggle to exist under extremely difficult conditions. The Mothers’ Union in Cork are linked with the diocese of Kaduna.

INTERCESSIONS If anyone is interest in leading these, please contact the rector.

EVENSONG (said) this evening in St John’s Church at 7pm.

THEOLOGICAL BOOK CIRCLE At the last meeting, the book ‘The Year of Living Biblically’ by A.J. Jacobs was chosen for our next gathering. A great summer read and we will chat about it in the Rectory at 8pm on 29th August.

CHRISTIAN AID ENVELOPES can be returned to the rector, John Sweeney or any member of the select vestry.

TEA-TIME TREATS Mothers Union 125th anniversary recipe booklet available at the back of the church  – €4.


Elaine will be away from the parish on the following dates:-

JULY:  Thursday 12th until Tuesday 17th

(The Revd Adrian Wilkinson 4891539 / The Revd Hazel Minion 4361924 )

Bishop Michael Mayes will celebrate Holy Communion on Sunday 15th July

AUGUST:  Thursday 16th until Tuesday 28th

(The Revd Isobel Jackson 4831236)

Canon Noel Scott will celebrate Holy Communion on Sunday 19th August

The Revd Isobel Jackson will celebrate Holy Communion on Wednesday 22nd

August.  Mr Ted Rae will officiate at Morning Prayer on Sunday 26th August

SEPTEMBER:  Thursday 13th until Tuesday 18th

(The Revd Isobel Jackson 4831236)

It is not yet known who will be covering for the Sunday service

on 16th September.

READING ROTAS for July to September are available at the back of the church. If you unable to read on an allocated Sunday please arrange to swop with someone else or contact the parish administrator.

INVITATION  TO WEST CORK The Rector needs to know who will be taking up the invitation of the Revd Trevor and Oriel Lester who have kindly invited the parish to join them in their Rectory in Altar,  Toormore for a Barbeque at 6pm on 22nd July and then join with their parish to attend an Evensong in St Brendan’s Church Crookhaven where Elaine will be preaching the Epilogue. At this stage no bus will be required but it is still essential to let them know numbers for catering so please contact the Rector if you intend going.

THE SEXTONS COTTAGE in St John’s, Monkstown is being renovated during the summer months.  While works are being carried out, the entire church site will be locked between 6pm and 8am weekdays and over the weekend.  Access may be arranged by contacting the parish office or calling Jonathon Fleury.

GERMAN STUDENT, male, 19 yrs, seeks family to stay with for 3-4 weeks in August in order to learn English. Good practical worker, willing to help out wherever he stays. Contact Hilary Dring.

JARS WANTED! If you have some clean jars with lids (Coffee jars are particularly welcomed) please drop them in to the parish office or the rectory and the rector will make sure they are passed on to people in the parish who make jam, chutneys etc for charity events.

PARISH CUP HOLDERS If you have borrowed any of the brown cup holders from the Parish Office and they are still at home, could you bring them back into the Parish Office please. We find ourselves very low and obviously don’t want to go to the expense of ordering more if they are knocking around somewhere. Thank you!

Random Notes XIX

Illustrated below is an attractive, and interesting, if somewhat inaccurate sketch of st Mary’s Church, Carrigaline, made sometime after 1892, by Constance Eleanor Westrop, of Ravenswood, nr. Carrigaline.

The sketch is taken from one of C.E.W’s sketch books, presently preserved at Mount Rivers, this particular little book having been given to her by her father “in the year 1892”.

This view is taken from the high ground to the east of the Church, known as “The Rock”, with the old sexton’s house, and adjoining stables (since demolished and replaced by the present parish office and church hall respectively) i8n the foreground. The cottage to the west of the Church, approximately where the “new” graveyard now is, has long since disappeared, as has also in more recent times the field to the east, with a gate on to the road, the entire area of it being now occupied by an estate of houses.

Constance Eleanor Westrop was born on March 3rd, 1856, and baptized the 25th following at Carrigaline Church by the Revd W.T. Wilmot. She was a younger daughter of Ralph Michael Busteed Westrop (formerly Westropp) (1813-1896) of Ravenswood, near Carrigaline, by Lydia Mary (1823-1876), his wife (m.8th November 1842, at Carrigaline by the Revd Henry Stewart), daughter of Michael Roberts (1792-1862), of Kilmoney Abbey. Constance Westrop never married, and after her father’s death lived with her sister Nina at Soho Terrace, Sunday’s Well, Cork where she died it is thought in the 1930’s. KLR


























Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on July 9, 2012

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