Parish notices for August 21st-28th

We are delighted to welcome Canon Noel Scott  to our services this Sunday 21st and thank him most sincerely for leading worship.

We would like to welcome the family and friends of Aifric Kelleher who is to be baptised in St Mary’s this morning.

Tickets on sale for Santa Ponsa or Bust  through Christine in the office. Price €22.50 each.

Dates for your diary:
Sunday 4th September-
Confirmation in St Mary’s.
Saturday 24th September-Santa Ponsa or Bust. Parish fundraising theatre production in Carrigaline Court hotel.
Sunday 9th October-Sponsored walk.

There have been miscellaneous items left in the rectory, some usable, some may be usable and some just need to be disposed of. It is quite an expense to hire a skip so it has been requested that Parishioners assist in clearing the Rectory. Please meet Cecil at the rectory next Tuesday 23rd August between 8&9pm and take what you can! Any queries phone him on 087-2722826.

If you would like David and June’s new address please contact Christine in the Parish office.

There are currently no volunteers for the flower rota in September or October. If you would like to help out please contact Christine in the office.

Christian Aid walkSaturday 3 September 2011. Sheep’s Head Way, West Cork. Starts: 11.30am, Kilcrohane Community Hall, Kilcrohane Village.
For information or sponsorship forms contact the Christian Aid Cork office on 023 88 41468 or email <> or you can register online at There are also a few forms at the back of the churches.
All funds raised on the day will go towards Christian Aid partners in the developing world and we would hope walkers will raise substantial funds for their crucial work.

Saturday 3rd September 10am-3.30pm in the Oriel House Hotel, Ballincollig. €25 incl. lunch. Theme is Fresh til we finish and will be led by Priscilla Reid from Christian Fellowship Church Belfast. Register before Monday 22nd August by emailing or contacting Tara Roberts 087 3640191 or see For further details speak to Hilary Dring.

Raffle Tickets are on sale at the back of church for Mallow Union Repair Fund and for Douglas Union Flower festival.

Next Week 28th August  2011 –
Richard Dring will lead our services.
Morning Prayer-
St John’s Monkstown at 9.30am
All-Age Service-St Mary’s Carrigaline at 11am


Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on August 19, 2011

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