Parish notices for October 9th-16th


Following the morning’s service on 9th October there will be a cake sale in the Parish Hall in aid of parish funds. Refreshments also available.


There will be a special Harvest Evensong in St John’s Monkstown on Sunday 9th October at 7pm followed by cake and refreshments. Donations of biscuits/sandwiches are welcome. Just bring them along on the night. The choir will provide wine.


Dates for your diary:


Sunday 16th October-Sponsored walk-Parish annual sponsored walk from St. Mary’s to Drakes pool and back. Leaving after service. Lunch served in hall after walk. This is a fun event for all ages of the parish and an opportunity to raise funds for Carrigaline Union. Sponsor cards available from parish office or at the back of the church.


Monkstown Home Group meets in the Warren-Perry’s home this Tuesday 11th October at 8pm. All welcome.

Mother’s Union– Joint meeting with Ardfallen ladies in St Mary’s Parish hall on Wednesday 19th October at 8pm. Simon Woodworth will be  speaking on his recent trip to Malawi.

Parenting evenings continue at 8pm on Thursday 28th October at St. Mary’s Church Hall, Carrigaline and run the last Thursday of each month for 4 more months. The next one is entitled Teenage Communication –’On the Radar Screen’. Please contact Hilary Dring on 086-3680513 for more information.All welcome.

A huge thank you to all those who worked so hard to make Santa Ponsa or Bust such a huge success. Over €5,000 was raised which will go towards Rectory upgrade.

Holy Trinity Church, Crosshaven – a concert of ‘Music, Sacred and Profane’. Friday  21st  October at 8p.m. Music by Bach, Handel, Puccini and spanning the centuries from Baroque to Jazz. Nicholas McMurry – countertenor, Ryan Morgan – tenor, Ian Sexton –  piano. Tickets €10 at door.  Children free.  Bookings: 086 1531205.

 St Mary’s Indoor Bowls club has recommenced meeting on Tuesdays at 7.45pm in St Mary’s School Hall, Waterpark. New members welcome. For enquiries contact Denis McLoughlin on 087-6100717.

Anois-youth conference. Kilkenny College, 29-31 October. See forms at back of church for more information!

6th Annual C.D.Y.C. Soccer Competition. The Sports Village, Eden Hall. Model Farm Road, Cork. Saturday 19th November,12.30pm-6pm. For secondary school age. Booking forms are available from Any questions contact Peter 086-3453361 or Mark 087-2720260.


Next Week 16th October 2011 – Bishop Michael Mayes

Holy Communion-St John’s Monkstown at 9.30a.m.

St Mary’s Carrigaline at 11a.m.


Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on October 7, 2011

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