Parish Notices Sunday 10th January 2016
The Rector writes ‘The programme for this centenary year has been organised jointly by our Bishop and a group at St Fin Barre’s Cathedral, led by the Dean of Cork and including local historian, Dr Alicia St Leger, and the writer Mary Leland. It will begin with a public lecture – 1916: New Perspectives; Old Rows – by Professor Diarmaid Ferriter, Professor of Modern Irish History at UCD. This Diocesan event will be held in the Aula Maxima at UCC at 7.30 p.m. on Friday, 22nd January, and is also open to the public. The Bishop will chair the event which will be introduced by the President of UCC, Dr Michael Murphy. As my own maternal Grandfather was involved in the 1916 Dublin Rising, I am particularly interested in hearing this lecture and in other events planned for this year. All we need to do to see how far we have come as a young nation is to just look around us and see how the historical barriers of class, gender and religion continue to be broken down.’
New year: New opportunities to share your time and talents- At the recent Gift Day, some people registered their interest in sharing their time and talents within the Parish. If you haven’t already, do tick a few boxes on the Time and Talents form and share your ideas with us. Completed forms may be handed to Eddie Pierce (087 255 7505), Ingrid Glen (085 888 8044) or a Church Warden. From music to muscles, we will do our best to match-make!
We plan to stage an Easter play this coming Spring. The short play is called “No Name in the Street” and has a cast of 8 to 14 characters depending on how many parts are doubled up. The parts are mostly female but with the possibility of male roles.
Readings /Auditions for the Play will be held on this Tuesday 12th January and Thursday 14th January in the Parish hall at 7.30pm. It would be appreciated if any person interested in taking part in this production would contact Mary Murphy at 087-2780902 or e mail to arrange a time for readings on one of these nights.
CONFIRMATION 2016 –Confirmation Classes in the Rectory will be beginning on Saturday February 6th. Please let the Rector know if you would like to be confirmed in 2016.
DIOCESAN MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS for 2016 are due by 31 January. The annual subscription is €23. Please pay Rowland Newenham or the Church Wardens.
Mothers’ Union – Movie Night, Wednesday, 20th January at 8pm at the church hall. All welcome. Also please remember that annual subs are to be with Frankie Stanley (treasurer) by the 18th January. Please talk to Hilary if you have any queries.
Northridge House, at St Luke’s Home, are hosting an Open Evening on Wednesday 13th January from 6:30pm – 9:00pm. It will be an opportunity to meet our course tutors to explore training options including various QQI Courses (contact 021-4536551)
TONIGHT Compline 7pm St John’s Church
11th Jan Toddlers Plus One 10 to 12pm Parish Hall
Monday Club 3 to 5pm Parish Hall
12th & 14th Auditions for Play. 7.30pm Parish Hall.
14th Jan Friendship Club 11am Rectory
15th Jan Youth Club 7 to 9pm Parish Hall
18th Jan Theological Book Club 8pm Rectory
20th Jan Mothers’ Union Movie Night 8pm Parish Hall
22nd Jan Public Lecture on 1916 7.30 UCC
29th Jan CAMEO 10.30am Monkstown Sailing Club
31st Jan United Service 11.15am St John’s Church
Service of Wholeness & Healing 7pm St Mary’s
6th Feb Confirmation Class 6 to 8pm Rectory
Random Notes CLXXVII
Over Christmas, many of us will have heard, perhaps unwittingly, the now utterly familiar and inimitable sung descant parts for “O Come all ye faithful”, “Hark the Herald Angel’s Sing” and “Once in Royal David’s city”. These were all written by David Willcocks during the last century.
Sir David Willcocks FRSCM, affectionately known as “the English Choirmaster” died on 17th September 2015, aged 95. He was a chorister at Westminster Abbey before being appointed organist of Salisbury and then Worcester Cathedral. In 1957 he succeeded Boris Ord at King’s College, Cambridge.
He spent a year with Sir Sidney Nicholson at Chistlehurst at the School of Church Music, which later became the RSCM – the “Royal School of Church Music” to which Carrigaline Union is proudly affiliated. The qualities of courage, hard work and teamwork were very evident to his students. His abiding quality as a choir trainer was perseverance until it was really right.
When he visited his home county of Cornwall, he was often told that his descants to some of the popular Christmas hymns were now more popular and as well known as some other Christmas hymns! At our “Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols” in St John’s in December, we introduced some very modern music by Philip Stopford (b.1975) but we also sung David Wilcocks’ descants to the familiar hymns. I was delighted to see that this also happened at King’s College, Cambridge for their 2015 “Carols from King’s”, in tribute to this wonderful man”