Parish Notices Sunday 10th March 2019
The Rector writes ‘Praying is something that we perhaps tend to do more of during Lent (perhaps it is the lack of Facebook & Twitter!) and I know that many of you ask me to pray for particular problems or situations in your lives. In our parish we have a group of people who have been trained by the Churches Ministry of Healing in how to pray alongside the people who come to our Wholeness & Healing Services (which happen about four times each year, usually on the evening of 5th Sundays when there is a United Service in the morning) This group of people are dedicated to praying for all manner of situations and problems and I am deeply grateful to them for their support of me and my ministry. The cartoon on the back of the Linksheet caught my eye a little while ago and I shared it with the Healer/Prayer Group. They loved it and asked if it could be printed in the Linksheet so that more people could enjoy it. We all have times in our lives when we need the prayer of others to help us get through particularly difficult patches. Please let me know if you or someone you know would like to be prayed for in the strictest confidence’
Parish Lenten Course – 8pm Parish Hall
Wednesday 13th March Planning for Growth.
Wednesday 20th March Worship.
Wednesday 27th March Ministry and Spiritual Formation
None on 3rd April
Wednesday 10th April Clustering –Parish organisation.
St John’s Church is in need of repair to its roof. 100 slates will need to be purchased at a cost of €4 each. If anyone would like to purchase one -or more!- please contact Henry Forbes on 087-2035000. Check out the progress on the Fundraising Thermometer on the Parish Hall Noticeboard!
Anam Cara West Cork, the organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding a Parent Evening on Tuesday 19th at 7:20pm in the Munster Arms Hotel, Bandon. This event is free and open to all bereaved parents regardless of the age your child died, the circumstances of their death, or whether their death was recent or not.
10th March Sunday Club 11am Parish Hall
Choral Evensong 7pm St John’s Church
11th Mar Littlies + One 10-12 Parish Hall.
13th March 10:30am Holy Communion St Mary’s Church
7:30pm Evening Prayer St Mary’s Church
8pm Lenten Study Parish Hall
14th March Friendship Club 11am Rectory
Confirmation Class 5-6:30pm Rectory
16th March Whist Night 8:30pm Canon McCrea Hall
29th March CAMEO 10:30am Monkstown Bay Sailing Club
Mothers’ Union Candlelit Evening 8pm Parish Hall
31st March United Service 11:15am St Mary’s Church
14th April Youth Club 7pm Parish Hall
Holy Week 14th to 21st April Separate Sheet will be available
9th May Easter Vestry 7:30pm Parish Hall
25th May Parish Féte in St Mary’s School & Grounds