Parish Notices Sunday 10th November 2013
The Rector writes
’Today, the second Sunday of November, we remember those who died on our behalf in past wars and conflicts. The Random Notes on the back of this Linksheet also discusses the idea of Remembrance in a thoughtful piece written by R.E. from his own personal perspective.
Next Saturday 16th we will be having a ‘Quiet Day‘ in our Parish Hall when we are lucky to have Fr. James McSweeney to lead us in a guided quiet retreat. He comes highly recommended by some parishioners who attended a quiet day led by him in another parish in the diocese. We will meet at 9.30am for tea/coffee and begin at 10am ending at around 2pm. There is no charge for the day but we will be having a ‘Bring & Share’ lunch, so do please bring a plate of sandwiches if you are coming along. It will be an ideal time before the rush and bustle of Christmas to take some quiet time and ‘Be still and know that I am God’ .
I look forward to seeing many of you there next Saturday. ‘
TEA and COFFEE will be available after the 11am Service in the Parish Hall.
TONIGHT– Remembrance Choral Evensong at 7pm in St John’s Monkstown.
‘Harvest Herald’. This publication which contains contact names and numbers and a description of all the activities, structures, services etc available in our parish. is online at
MOTHERS’ UNION our Annual Women’s Conference takes place this year from 22nd-24th November in Garryvoe Hotel Further information and booking forms are available from Hilary. If you need any further information please contact either the parish office or talk to Hilary Dring at 4378439 or 086-3680513.
CHRISTY KENNEALLY the renowned author and broadcaster will give a free public talk, “Say ‘Yes’ to Life: An evening on the human resources we can call on in times of crisis”, on the evening of Wednesday, 13th November at Cork Institute of Technology. The talk, which will be followed a Question and Answer session, is open the public and all are welcome to what is certain to be a thought provoking event. He is also a well-known lecturer on Coping with Change. He has published 15 books, among them “Life After Loss’; and the recently published “Say Yes to Life” It takes place in the Dining Hall, Depart of Tourism and Hospitality, CIT Bishopstown Campus.
DIOCESAN READERS COMMISSIONING The Commissioning of four new Diocesan Readers is to take place on Sunday, 17th November at 4 p.m. at Evensong at St Fin Barre’s Cathedral, Cork. All are welcome to attend.
THE CHURCH of IRELAND CENSUS will continue next Sunday 17th and the following Sunday 24th to establish the age and gender profile of those attending church each week. Each person at church will receive a card on which they will record only their age and gender and it will be completely anonymous. This will then allow the Church to make decisions for the future based on really up-to-date analysis of the Church of Ireland’s actual population.
DOG SHOW. Saturday 7th December at 1pm, Canon McCrea Hall, St Mary’s School, Carrigaline. €5 per dog for entry into one class, €3 for a second class, €2 for a third class. All welcome. Proceeds in aid of Parish Funds. Please contact Adrian Bateman for further details on 086-8300379. More information to follow in the coming weeks.
CONFIRMATIONS 2014 If you would like to be confirmed in 2014, could you please let the Rector know as she is planning to begin the preparation classes sometime towards the end of January/beginning of February.
POSADA sheet is now in the porch of St Mary’s Church. If you would like to be involved in this year’s Posada, please sign up. This is a lovely tradition in the Carrigaline Union where families ‘mind’ Mary, Joseph and the Donkey in their house for one night during the period of Advent (1st December until 24th December) as Mary & Joseph symbolically make their way to Bethlehem for the birth of someone very special. If you haven’t been involved in this tradition before and would like to try it out, , just sign up, its very simple, the person before you rings you and delivers the figures to you and then you pass it on to the next household on the list. A great way to meet new people.
YOUTH NEWS– The youth club met for pre Halloween games & craic in the church hall. We had some highly professional “apple dunkers” attend and we also had some interesting discussion on God’s love for us as his children-inspired by a Youtube club clip of a dad singing with his 4 year old daughter to get her mind off her fears at night time.We finished the night off with some hot chocolate and thanks to Michael Archer’s birthday we had a delicious chocolate cake to go with it. Thanks to all the group for making it an enjoyable night and to Ivan and Brenda for all their assistance. PC
THEOLOGICAL BOOK CIRCLE are currently reading Jostein Gaarder’s ‘The Christmas Mystery’ and will meet to discuss in the Rectory at 8pm on 29th January 2014 . Please ring the Rector at 087-2363100 for further details on the circle.
Nov 10th Remembrance Choral Evensong 7pm St John’s
Nov 11th Toddlers plus one Group 10am Parish Hall
Monday Club 3pm Parish Hall
Nov 16th Parish Quiet Day in Parish Hall at St Mary’s Church meeting at 9.30 for coffee then 10am until 2pm.
Nov 24th Annual Gift Day in the Rectory.
Nov 30th & Dec 1st School Christmas Craft Fayre GAA Club
Dec 1st Advent Sunday : Year A begins
Dec 7th Intercessions Workshop, St Mary’s Church 10am-midday
Dec 7th Dog Show. 1pm in Canon McCrea Hall.
Dec 20th Carrigaline Community Carols 7.30pm St Mary’s Church
Dec 22nd Nine Lessons & Carols 4pm St John’s Church
Dec 24th Carols around the Crib 4pm St Mary’s Church
Random Notes LXXII
The Church of Ireland in the 1970’s and 80’s had begun to shy away from Remembrance Sunday commemorations. As a child, I can recall stories of people being shunned at doorsteps when promoting the “Wear your Poppy with Pride” motto. Then when I lived in the Channel Islands, I experienced damp, gloomy, cold November Sunday mornings where the occasion was given full pompous treatment. The Rector dressed in black at parish War Memorials; the last post sounded by a sole bugler; a minute’s silence at 11am; “We Shall Remember Them”.
On October 22nd, Monkstown Chamber Choir sang at an Ecumenical Service of Remembrance at the Bons Secours Hospital. This was a beautiful service where amongst prayers, music and readings, the congregation were invited to light a candle in remembrance of loved ones.
Whilst admitting to being a complete traditionalist, I think it is good sometimes to challenge our traditions. Parishioners may remember that the last survivor of WW1, Harry Patch, referred to Remembrance Sunday commemorations as “All just show business”. Yet as he gained in years, he embraced the promotion of the poppy and the remembrance of those who had died in battle.
In Ireland 2013, it is important to remember all who have died and in November, those who have died in the race for peace. Unarmed forces should also be remembered. Civilians, reporters, aid workers and others who continue to provide relief in war-torn countries must be considered in our prayers.
A mature, open-minded attitude towards Remembrance Sunday can embrace modern thinking along with traditional practices.
The tens of thousands of Irish men and women who died on the battlefields of WW1 and WW2 were not “valiant hearts”. They were petrified young people who were led in to often the most gruesome, horrific situations.
A few short minutes and the consideration of the poppy can be significant. While we consider all who have died in political conflict, both those armed and unarmed, the greatest respect we can afford them is to simply “Remember”.