Parish Notices Sunday 10th September 2017
The Rector writes ‘ A reminder to those of you who have grown some Sunflowers from the seeds which were given out on Rogation Sunday…. Do take a photo of yourself along with your Sunflower and send it to me with the measurements of the tallest flower. There will be an ‘Adult’ category and a ‘Children’s category’ with the usual ‘no expenses spared’ prize for each Category! The prizes will be presented at the first of our two United Harvest Services on 1st October in St Mary’s Church. We will have a ‘Bring & Share’ Lunch afterwards which will allow many of you to chat to our Preacher Keith Dyde, who was, of course, previously attached to this Parish in his Church Army capacity.’
Saplings Home group Wednesday 13th September at 8pm. Theme for the year is “ My favourite book in the Bible and why”. Speaker on our opening night is Revd Elaine Murray. Meeting at the Poole’s house. All welcome. Contact Clare for further information on 087 2649523.
St. Mary’s Indoor Bowls Club has reopened on Tuesday evenings at 7.45pm in St Mary’s School Hall. New members welcome. For enquiries contact Denis McLoughlin at 087 6100717 or Henry Forbes 087 2035000.
Monkstown Chamber Choir have returned to practice. Meeting on Thursday evenings in St Johns Church at 8pm. New members welcome. Contact choirmaster Roger Ellis on 087 053 9416.
CDYC Youth Activity weekend will take place on Cape Clear on the weekend of 15th – 17th Sept 2017 A full day of Beach Activities on Saturday :
- Kayaking • Bouldering • Snorkelling PLUS Games, Walks, Beach, Goat Farm. Cost 60 euro each. Meet at 5.30PM on Baltimore Pier Friday 15th Sept. (Ferry leaving at 6pm sharp). Return to Baltimore Pier @ 6pm Sunday 17th Sept. It promises to be a great event – Contact Peter or Tracey for more details.
MOTHERS’ UNION-We will celebrate together with a Holy Communion Service at 8 pm on 20th September in St. Mary’s Church, Carrigaline. There will be cards, calendars, etc for sale and we will have a short AGM followed by supper. All welcome, especially new members!
This year, instead of our annual conference, we are organising a ‘A Day Away From It All’ at Inchydoney Lodge Hotel on Saturday, 23rd September from 12 noon – 3.30pm. It will be an opportunity to relax and spend time with friends. The lunch, organised by Kate Ryan of, will be based around local food producers and their story, will include a drink and will be followed by a walk on the beach and a visit to Clonakilty Community Garden. Tickets €37.50 per person. Advance booking is essential. All welcome (not just for Mothers’ Union members) so bring your friend, partner, husband, whoever!! For more info talk to Hilary on 086-3680513.
Culture Night. Friday 22nd September 7.30pm in St Mary’s Church, Marmullane (Passage West). Local historian, Colman O’Mahony will give a talk on the history of the church, a walk around the fascinating graveyard and the many interesting families associated with it. Hear the new replacement organ – the only Henry Speechley organ in Ireland. Free entry.
11th Sept Toddlers Plus One 10am until 12 noon Parish Hall
Monday Club 3pm until 5pm Parish Hall
13th Sept Home Group 8pm Poole’s home
14th Sept Friendship Club 11am Rectory
14th Sept Monkstown Chamber Choir 8pm St John’s Church.
18th Sept Theological Book Circle 8pm Rectory
20th Sept Mother’s Union HC Service. 8pm St Mary’s Church.
23rd Sept Mothers’ Union Day Away. Inchydoney.
24th Sept Blessing of Animals Service 11am St Mary’s
1st Oct United Harvest Celebration 11am St Mary’s Preacher : Keith Dyde
‘Bring & Share’ Lunch in Parish Hall after the Service
7th Oct Harvest Supper 7:30pm Canon McCrea Hall
8th Oct United Harvest Celebration 11:15am St John’s Preacher : The Revd Tony Murphy
Eco Congregation Climate Justice Candle will be lit.
Random Notes No. CCXLV
A recent visit to Cape Clear provided an opportunity to visit the island’s small museum. Getting around Cape Clear involves walking,
cycling or taking a ride on Mary Cadogan’s bus – an experience in itself. We opted for a bus journey to the goat farm and the museum, followed by a leisurely walk back to the North Harbour.
The museum is housed in a small building towards the east end of the island. It is very
crowded but contains a number of interesting
artefacts. One of these is the bell for St Kieran’s Church of Ireland chapel, dated 1849.
The museum is unclear about what exactly happened to the chapel but notes that, “from 1856 the Church of Ireland minister no longer resided in Cape Clear.”
There was also a Church of Ireland school, established by the Island and Coast Society in 1845, under the management of the Rev. Edward Spring. The school was not well received by the local Roman Catholic curate, Fr John Noonan. He took to verbally and physically assaulting the children who attended the school. The museum records one such encounter thus:
“Within the last year, a poor girl attending our week-day school had her steadiness tested by the formidable discipline of the priest’s stick. He met her on the way and asked her where she was going. She replied, to school. Without further ceremony, he laid into her so unsparingly with a weighty stick, that she was brought into us almost fainting, with her back heavily welted and one of her fingers profusely bleeding.”
This was quoted directly from the Yearly Statement of the Missionary Progress of the Islands and Coast Society, 1851. The title of the report may
offer a clue to the curate’s vehement opposition to the school; it was not
unknown for such schools to proselytize. Despite the local opposition, which also manifested as nightly attacks on the property, the school flourished for a while, peaking at 70 in 1850 with 40 also attending Sunday school. However, daily attendance fell sharply to 23 in 1855, with the school eventually closing its doors in 1880. Doubtless the departure of Rev. Spring hastened its demise.
The goat farm is also worth a visit, with excellent ice-cream and sausages to be had!