Parish Notices Sunday 12th January 2014

The Rector writes ‘  We are up and running in this new year of 2014, I sometimes feel like I am operating one season ahead of everyone else as I have to think about what is happening in the Summer while it is still stormy January in reality.  If you have a good look at the Forward Planner, you’ll see that there are some new and important dates to put into your diary. Our Confirmation Service is on Pentecost Sunday 8th June and this year it will be in St Mary’s Church. The Holiday Club will be from Mon 21st July until Fri 25th July in the Canon McCrea Hall when we will again be joined by Crosshaven Parish. The other date I want to bring to your notice is the Annual General Vestry Meeting which is on Tuesday 6th May at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall. This is an opportunity to come together and vote in the new Select Vestry, Church Wardens, the Diocesan Synod members and the Nominators (You have a vote if you are registered, please ask me if you are unsure of this or if you would like to register) but even if you are not eligible to vote for whatever reason ALL of you are invited to come and listen to what has happened in the parish over the last year. No one is ever forced into volunteering for anything, you have my word! So there you are… lots of dates for your diary and I’ll say more about it all nearer the time.

TEA and COFFEE will be available after the 11am Service in the Parish Hall.

DIOCESAN MAGAZINE- Subscriptions for 2014 are now due at a rate of €20 for the year. Please pay Rowland Newenham or a warden.

CONFIRMATIONS 2014 The Service will take place on Pentecost Sunday 8th June at the 11am Service in St Mary’s Church Carrigaline. All those who have     already given the rector their name have been contacted by now. If you would like to be confirmed in 2014 and haven’t yet contacted the rector,  could you please do this in the next couple of weeks as after the classes begin on Saturday 25th January it will be too late to join in with the 2014 group of candidates.

8th ANNUAL YOUTH LEADERS TRAINING WEEKEND 24th—26th January The Quality Hotel, Clonakilty. Cost: €120 (waged) or €60 (unwaged). This great deal includes: dinner x 2, accommodation x 2 nights, breakfast x 2, lunch x 1 and access to pool and leisure centre! Booking form available from the Diocesan Youth Council of the Church of Ireland in Cork

RAINBOW PROGRAMME FOR 2014- 12 week Rainbows Programme will be running for children in Spring 2014.  It is a peer-support programme to assist children and young people who have experienced loss in their lives through                 divorce or separation in their family.  It is for children aged 9-12 years old and the programme runs for one hour every week in the Carrigaline Family Support Centre.  No cost.  They will also be running 2 Parenting Plus courses for parents in March 2014.  They will run the adolescent’s (11-16 years) and children’s (0-6 years) programmes. These are 8 week courses and will take place in the Carrigaline Community School. To find out more information or to reserve a place on either of these programmes please call  4919299.

St Luke’s Home Education Centre- Evening courses will be taking place in Mindfulness (6 Tuesdays from 4th February), Addressing Loss (6 Wednesdays from 19th February) and Basic Listening Skills ( 4 Thursdays from 6th March) The courses run from 7:30 – 9:30pm. A Saturday Morning Introduction to Mindfulness will take place on 25th January from 10:00am – 1:00pm. Please contact Claire at 021.4536551 for further details.

CARRIGALINE ADULT EDUCATION SERVICE have workshops in budgeting and healthy eating staring 9th/10th January, leading to an optional 6 week course.  We also have sewing and alteration workshops, educational guidance, C.V. preparing and interview skills staring shortly.  There is also computer courses starting in January. Please ring 021-4371109 or 086-8238757 for further details of these FREE courses.

‘A NIGHT AT THE MOVIES’ All welcome to come along (over 15s film) on Wednesday, 15th January at 8pm in the Church Hall at St. Mary’s Church in Carrigaline. Organised by Mothers’ Union; contact Hilary 086-3680513 for more information.



Jan 13th       Toddlers plus one Group 10am Parish Hall

Monday Club 3pm Parish Hall

Jan 25th       Confirmation Classes begin Sat 6 – 8pm in Rectory

Jan 29th Theological Book Circle. 8pm Rectory.

Feb 8th   Sunday School Training Day in St Luke’s

Feb 9th   Songs of Praise Evensong 7pm St John’s

Mar 1st  Preparation for Confirmation Morning with Bishop in Douglas

Mar 5th Ash Wednesday, Lent begins, Evening Prayer & Bible Study 7.30pm each Wednesday evening

Mar 16th  St Patrick’s Eve Service as Gaelige 7pm St Mary’s

April 13th – 10th    Palm Sunday, Holy Week, Easter Sunday

May 6th Easter Vestry, Annual General Meeting of Parish, 7.30pm in Parish Hall.

May 14th   Christian Aid Coffee Morning in Rectory 11am

May 31st Parish Fête

June 8th Pentecost Confirmation Service 11am St Mary’s

Jun 15th Parish Picnic

Jun 21st St Nicholas’ Brass Band celebrating 150 years, will be performing at the Mid Summer Garden Party in St Mary’s Churchyard…. plus the Rector’s sponsored diet ends today (hooray!).

July 21st  – July 25th    Summer Holiday Club


Random  Notes No. LXXX

Further to the letter dated 30th October, 1890, from William Henry Hill to the the Revd. Edward Gibbings, Rector of Carrigaline, illustrated in Random Notes no. LXXIX, it has since been established from consulting the old Minute Book of the meetings of the Select Vestry, that the five pounds paid to Mr. Barry, and the three Guineas paid to Mr. Hill was for work carried out to the Church bell.

The relevant and interesting entries from the minute book are transcribed beneath.

‘April 29th 1890. A Meeting of the Select Vestry was held on this date in the Parish Church, Carrigaline & was opened with prayers, Rev. E. Gibbings in the chair. There were present, Captn. Connor, A .S. Wilson, George Fergueson, D .H. Young & M .H .J. Roberts. Proposed by D. H. Young, seconded by Captn. Connor that the 2nd Proposal in Mr. Hill’s specification regarding Bell supports in the Parish Church be accepted, if same be done for £6 or £7, and be responsible for safety of Bell and entire work. Passed unanimously.’

‘24th November 1890. A Meeting of the Select Vestry was held in Carrigaline Church on the above date, and was opened with prayer by the Chairman, Rev. Edwd. Gibbings.’ There were present Mr. R .H. Hayes & Mr. D .H. Young. Proposed by Mr R. H. Hayes & seconded by Mr. D. H. Young that a cheque for £5 be sent to Mr. Philip Barry for remounting the Church Bell, and a cheque for £3.3.0 to Mr. W. H. Hill for inspection, specification, arranging with Contractor etc., the balance to form a “Church Improvement Fund”. Proposed by Mr. D. H. Young & seconded by Mr. R. H. Hayes that the Schoolroom Walls be panelled with pitch pine and that if the amount of “Schoolroom Improvement Fund” be insufficient, that the Balance be taken from the Bell Fund, the Schoolroom being used for Eveng, Service. The Meeting concluded with the Benediction.’






Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on January 13, 2014

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