Parish Notices Sunday 12th January 2020
The Rector writes ‘Today we remember Jesus’ own Baptism by John in the river Jordan.
Baptisms are a wonderful event in the life of families. The baby (and it is usually a baby in our culture but sometimes a toddler, a young child or even an adult!) come to church to be accepted into the family of God. Baptisms are also an important part of my life. Since I came to this parish eight years ago, I have baptised 72 children. While the Revd Tony Murphy was training with us, he baptised two (a boy in St John’s and a girl in St Mary’s), the Bishop baptised one girl and Revd Denis Sandes baptised his grandson. For those of you who, like me, are interested in statistics, there were 21 baptised in St John’s, 55 in St Mary’s. Overall 39 boys and 37 girls! Today we remember all of them and maybe next year we will invite the families of the babies baptised during the year to come along to church on this particular day to re-celebrate with us!’

There will be a Charity Whist Night in the Canon McCrea Hall at 8:30pm on Saturday 18th January with all funds raised going to local Carrigaline Welcome Project (Community Sponsorship Project to welcome a Refugee family in the area) Please do support the night. If you can’t already play Whist, you have a last chance to learn on 13th January when there will be a class in the Parish Hall beginning at 8pm. Huge thanks to Henry Forbes and Barney Deane for the organising of this Whist Night Fundraiser and if you have any item suitable for a Spot / Raffle Prize, just let them know. Thank you.

Mother’s Union Bring & Share lunch. Wednesday 15th January at 1:30pm in St Mary’s Parish Hall. Soup and rolls will be provided as we chat and listen to Hilary Dring. This will be an Area meeting, to find out what will be happening during the year going forward. She will also discuss plans for the Centenary year of the War of Independence.
Monkstown Home Group is scheduled for Wednesday 22nd January at 8pm in the home of Gerlene Kennedy at Glenbrook.

Climate Change-The Challenge for Carrigaline.
A Public Information night hosted by Carrigaline Community Association. Monday 27th January at 7.30pm in Carrigaline Community Complex. All welcome.

13th Jan Littlies + One 10-12 Parish Hall
Whist Class, 8pm Parish Hall
15th Jan Mothers’ Union Lunch 1:30pm Parish Hall
18th Jan Special Whist Night 8:30pm in Canon McCrea Hall for CEPT Carrigaline Welcomes Group
22nd Jan Monkstown Home Group. 8pm in Gerlene Kennedy’s home
27th Jan Climate Change Information night. 7:30pm in the Carrigaline Community Complex.
3rd Feb Theological Book Circle 8pm Rectory

Music Notes 12-01-2020
John Antes (1740-1811), who was an ordained minister of the Moravian Church, composed the melody for the hymn Let us with a gladsome mind. The Moravians value music highly as an essential part of community life and worship. They have produced many composers of sacred songs, hymns and anthems accompanied by organ and also string and brass ensembles. Antes eventually settled in Bristol where he often led Singstunden, a traditional Moravian service where only hymns are sung as a form of religious contemplation.
Random Notes CCCXXVIII

Downsizing when moving house is nothing new as this announcement shows.
1857 , 10th Dec
Near Douglas
Mr R.B. Evans begs respectfully to announce that he is instructed by Mrs Massey (who is about to leave) to sell by Auction without reserve at Castletreasure on Thurs Dec 17th.
11 Wellbred Heifers,
1 Capital Draft Horse,
An Excellent Outside Car,
1 Threshing Machine in Perfect Working Order,
1 Rick of well-saved Upland Hay,
1 Acre Swedish Turnips, a Quantity pf Straw,
Together with all the excellent Household Furniture, including Mahogany Drawing room Chairs, Mahogany sideboards, Loo, Card, and other Tables, handsome easy chair in Red Morocco Leather, rich Damask Window Curtains, Brussel’s Carpets, Fenders and Fire Steels, Wardrobes, Dinner Services of China, Pink and Gold etc., and all to be sold without the slightest reserve.
Roger B. Evans (Auctioneer)