Parish Notices Sunday 12th March 2017
The Revd Tony Murphy writes “ For the past 5 years Carrigaline Union has been kind enough to include a bilingual service of Holy Communion on the Eve of St Patricks Day in St Mary’s Church.
While the celebrations in the secular world focus on parades, celebrations and a mixture of commerce and politics , our primary focus is a religious celebration on the spiritual heritage of our National Apostle including ,of course, in that number the immigrants and migrants of which he was one. While the celebration is in the language which Patrick spoke, the Irish Language, we have succeeded in making it inclusive by offering translations of the prayers and the readings as it is critical that nobody feels excluded from this celebration. We are delighted that our Monkstown Chamber Choir will be performing excerpts from the O’ Riada Mass at our Service. In addition the sermon will be delivered by Bishop Micheal Burrows who is Patron of the Irish Guild of the Church (Cumann Gaelach na hEaglaise) .This year we will be joined by Clergy and Parishioners from a number of Parishes, offering a diocesan wide input into our celebrations. While all services are open to the broader community, it would be particularly appropriate to invite friends and neighbours to this celebration of our common National Apostle.
Friday, 24th March 8pm,Carrigaline Church Hall. €5 per person. All Welcome-Bring your friends.
Wear your finest!! If you can bring a salad or dessert please let us know at 086-3680513.
FLOWERPOTS Hazel Fleury is looking for 6inch (& larger)Flowerpots. If you have any to pass on to her please contact her on 086-8157821
Don’t Forget the Lenten Bible Study ‘God’s heart for Migrants’ continues on Wednesdays at 8pm in the Parish Hall.
YOUTH NEWS – On Friday 24th March (No meeting on 17th March) we are joining up with the Midleton and Crosshaven youth clubs for a night of Bowling, Laser Tag and Pizza at the Leisureplex, Cork. Transportation will be arranged and we will meet in the car park of the new youth centre Waterpark (Time to be confirmed) See you there !! Contact Peter Coughlan to confirm your place.
Richard Kiely Trust fund. Richard was left paralysed after a motorbike accident in July 2016. A whist drive will be held in St Mary’s School Hall on Saturday 18th March at 8.30pm. Admission €5. Lots of raffle prizes on the night. Contact Henry Forbes for further information 087-2035000.
CARRIGALINE SINGERS Spring Concert in St Mary’s Church, 8pm Thursday 30th March. Admission 12 euro, tickets at the door or contact 086-2550368/087-2212174 Fundraiser for Cork Association for Autism.
A Leeside Fauré Three choirs from Cork, Galway and Rome will come together in the glorious North Cathedral, Cork, to perform Fauré’s Requiem and an eclectic mix of other choral favourites. Performed by Cork’s PfizerPfonics, Galway’s Dunmore Church Choir and Rome’s Coro Luigi Colacicchi on Saturday 1st April at 8pm. Featuring the acclaimed soloists: Mary Flaherty – Soprano, Gordon Garde – Baritone, and Organist Richard Rudkins. Tickets are available from Pro Musica, 20 Oliver Plunkett Street. 021-4271659
Christian Aid Fundraising Raffle The Rector and Church Wardens have raffle tickets for sale for a wonderful colourful crochet throw, made by Gerlene Kennedy, during Advent. The winner will be drawn at the United Christian Aid Service in St John’s Church on April 30th.
GIY The Passage, Glenbrook & Monkstown Grow It Yourself welcome Bryan Riney who will be talking on the topic of Beekeeping on Thursday 23 March 2017. There will also bee beneficial plants and herbs for sale, bring some seeds to swap too. Church Of Ireland Hall, off Church Hill, Passage West, 7:30pm. €5. All welcome, youngsters free. Further details 086 2405573 or
13th March Toddlers plus One 10am Parish Hall
Monday Club 3-5pm Parish Hall
15th March Holy Communion 10:30 St Mary’s Church
Evening Prayer 7:30 St Mary’s Church
Lenten Bible Study ‘God’s heart for Migrants’
8pm Parish Hall
16th March St Patrick’s Eve Eucharist as Gaeilge 7:30pm St Mary’s
18th March Banner Making Workshop 10am till 2pm Parish Hall
24th March Mother’s Union Ladies Candlelight Supper 8pm Parish Hall
31st March CAMEO 10.30 Monkstown Sailing Club
Random Notes CCXXVI
Illustrated above are copies of four small photographs of St. Mary’s Church, Carrigaline, that were recently found amongst a collection of papers of the late Thomas George Francis Stoney (1918-2006), of Currabinny.
The date of the taking of the photographs is unfortunately unknown, but sometime in the late 1950’s, or early in the following decade is thought to be most likely, and of the photographs, but little need be said, save that they provide a valuable and most interesting record of the Church, shewing it in its more or less its original and charming countryside setting, surrounded by open fields, etc.