Parish Notices Sunday 13th December 2015

The Rector writes ‘Many people speak to me about their favourite hymns and ask why don’t we ever sing this or that particular one in Church anymore and my answer is always ‘Why don’t you put in a Hymn Request!‘  There is actually Request Boxes and blank forms at the back of both the churches for the last two years so please do use them!  Our organists Hilary, Kay, Roger & Frank are only too delighted to be asked to play a particular hymn (when it suits the season obviously… so not ‘Hark the Herald’ for Harvest!)  And speaking of singing – Don’t forget that next Friday 18th at 7.30pm we are hosting the Community Carols in St Mary’s and then on Sunday 20th at 4pm we will have our beautiful Nine Lessons and Carols Service in St John’s.‘

Wednesdays in advent- Advent Bible Study continue at 8pm each Wednesday in the Parish Hall. This week will talk  about  death from a Biblical perspective,  followed by discussion and some light  refreshments. All welcome.

CONFIRMATION 2016  Confirmation Classes in the Rectory will be beginning on Saturday February 6th.  Please let the Rector know if you would like to be confirmed in 2016.

CALLING ALL THESPIANS! We plan to stage an Easter play this coming Spring.The short play is called “No Name in the Street”  and has a cast of 8 to 14 characters depending on how many parts are doubled up.  The parts are mostly  female but with the possibility of male roles. This is an exciting venture for Carrigaline Union and we plan to hold auditions for the play shortly after Christmas.  So watch this space for details after Christmas!  For further information contact Mary F. Murphy on 087-2780902 who will be directing the play.



14th Dec Toddler Plus One 10am Parish Hall

Monday Club 3-5pm Parish Hall

16th Dec    Advent Bible Study ‘Death’   8pm Parish Hall

18th Dec   Community Carols 7.30pm St Mary’s Church

20th Dec   Nine Lessons & Carols 4pm St John’s Church



21st Dec Toddler Plus One 10am Parish Hall

Monday Club 3-5pm Parish Hall singing Carols with MU

23rd Dec    Advent Bible Study ‘Hell’   8pm Parish Hall

24th Dec   Carols around the Crib 4pm St Mary’s Church

First Eucharist of the Nativity Midnight St Mary’s Church

25th Dec  Eucharist 9.30am St John’s Church

Eucharist 11am St Mary’s Church


Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on December 14, 2015

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