Parish Notices Sunday 13th January 2019
The Rector writes ‘We are delighted that so many of the Parish Drama Group are going to be involved in the Carrigaline Lions Club Charity Fundraiser ‘The OsKaRs’ . Olna Trotter, Mary Murphy, Jocelyn Pierce, Hazel Kelleher, Hilary Warren-Perry & Mark Minahane will be acting in two of the abridged films : ’Sister Act’ and ’The Field’. These two films, along with others, will be shown on two nights, 22/23 Feb, in the Carrigaline Court Hotel and voting will take place on the night for best Actor/Director/Movie etc. This is our chance to dress up in our best outfits , enjoy the red carpet and vote!. It is important to remember that this group is representing our parish within the wider community and so we need to get behind them and give them all the support we can. We will place fundraising baskets at the back of the churches from Sunday 20th (after our Yemen Famine Relief fundraiser) as the group decided that they didn’t want to go the usual route of Cake Sales etc. because as there are so many of them involved, we would be totally exhausted attending all of the coffee mornings! ‘
Please do come along and attend this Whist Night for Bishops’ Appeal Famine Relief in Yemen. Henry Forbes and Barney Deane have been so good in organising it and if you have anything that might be used as a Spot or Raffle Prize, just give them a shout. 8:30pm next Saturday 19th in the Canon McCrea Hall, St Mary’s School. The Rector now knows how to play Whist so beware! If you would like to learn how to play Whist, Henry is conducting a further class tomorrow night in the Parish Hall at 7:30pm (not to be mixed up with the Workshop on Intercessory Prayer in the Church at the same time!)
CONFIRMATION 2019 If you would like to be confirmed next year, please let the Rector know. The classes will be beginning 7th February (in the Rectory on Thursdays 5-6:30pm).
DIOCESAN MAGAZINE subscriptions due. €25 for 2019. Please give your subscription to the Church Wardens or leave in the Parish Office.
Mother’s Union “All about Knitting” . Wednesday 16th January at 1.30pm in the Parish Hall. Bring and Share Lunch, soup provided.A reminder that subs are due. Hilary Dring has forms if you need one.
Quiet Day. Monday 14th January in Aghadown Church Hall, Ballydehob. Starts with Coffee at 10am. Let by Marie Norton. (Organised by Mothers’ Union but all welcome.)
FUNDRAISING EVENT Scoil Barra Naofa, Monkstown “Entertaining at Home” A Cookery Demonstration, with award winning chef Mark Doe will take place in Monkstown Golf Club at 7.30 p.m. on Friday 25th January. Tickets cost €20 including tasting plate. Available to purchase from School Office, Passage West Pharmacy, Paula O Brien 087 2417032, Beckie Cooke 087 2452940. All proceeds raised will be going towards the Classroom Renovation Fund.
CONCERT St Mary’s and All Saints’ Church, Glanmire.There will be a concert in on Friday, January 18 at 8 p.m. Taking part are two choirs: Carrigtwohill Gospel Choir, St Joseph’s Church Choir from Rivertown, Glanmire and students of the Cork ETB School of Music based in Glanmire and Ballincollig. Donations accepted towards the upkeep of the church and towards the Simon Community.
14th Jan Littlies + One 10-12 Parish Hall.
Monday Club 3-5 Parish Hall.
Whist Class 7:30 Parish hall
Workshop on Intercessory Prayer 7:30 St Mary’s Church
16th Jan Holy Communion 10:30am St Mary’s Church
Mother’s Union ‘All about Knitting’ 1:30pm Parish Hall
19th Jan Special Whist Night for Famine Relief in Yemen
8:30pm in the Canon McCrea Hall
21st Jan Theological Book Circle 8pm Rectory
7th Feb Confirmation Classes begin 5-6:30pm Rectory
9th Feb Children’s Ministry Workshop 10-2 in Northridge House
Mental Health Training for working with children
22nd & 23rd Feb Carrigaline ‘OSKARS’ Night , Carrigaline Court Hotel
25th Feb Annual Registration for Vestry, 7:30pm Parish Hall
9th Mar Parish Retreat Day ‘Wellsprings’ in the Parish Hall
Random Notes No. CCLXXXVII
The Parish Web Site has a new Genealogy page at, where historical parish records may be viewed.
The following is quoted in part from that page:
“Historical parish registers give important genealogical information including details of baptisms, marriages and burials within parishes. Although some church records, both Church of Ireland and Roman Catholic, were lost in the Four Courts fire of 1922, many registers had been retained in the individual parishes at that time and therefore survived.
“With the permission of the Rector and Select Vestry, Tracton Genealogy and Local History Group has transcribed the existing parish records for the Carrigaline Union of Parishes, which are still kept within the parish.
“The boundaries of the Church of Ireland parishes originally mirrored the civil parishes which were, in turn, based on the medieval Christian parishes, adapted by the English administration. Over time, as populations fell, parishes were amalgamated and united.
“The parish Church of Christ Church, Killanully, also known historically as Killingley, near Ballygarvan, was closed shortly after the final service there on Sunday, 25th February, 1990, and today the Church is occupied as a private house. The last service to be held in the parish Church of Ballinaboy, near Ballinhassig, was on Sunday, 16th September, 1962, shortly after which the Church was dismantled; it today is a romantic ivy enveloped ruin. Both these parishes had been for some years before their respective closures absorbed into the Carrigaline Union of Parishes.
“The modern-day Carrigaline Union of Parishes consists of the combined parishes of St. Mary’s, Carrigaline, (incorporating Killanully and Ballinaboy), and St. John’s, Monkstown, each with its own parish Church.”
The parish records were prepared and transcribed by Orla Busteed, to whom we are very grateful. Lesley Roberts has kindly provided the information concerning the final services in Killanully and Ballinaboy. Further discussion on this topic is warranted. There are excellent free online mapping resources to identify the parish boundaries and a short guide to how to see these will be forthcoming.
Additionally, it is hoped to clarify exactly how the parishes were absorbed into the current Union of Parishes.
More on these topics will follow in Random Notes later in 2019.
The parish acknowledges the permission of the Director of the National Archives to publish the content of this material up to 1870. The parish further acknowledges the permission of the RCB Library to publish the content after 1870. Should you require any assistance in researching your family history locally, please email Tracton Genealogy and Local History Group at |