Parish Notices Sunday 13th July 2014

The Rector writes: ‘’Although it all seems like a long time ago, I would like to use this page to again thank all those who helped out at our recent fundraisers : the Parish Fete at the end of May, the Cooking Demonstration in mid June and the Garden Party on Midsummer’s Day. It was a hectic whirl of events for a small parish like ours and so it involved a lot of work from a quite small group of people and I would like to thank them again for giving of their time in this way.  So whether you put up Marquees ,  collected stuff, made scones, jam or cakes, sold bric-a-brac and children’s toys, painted faces, served tea and strawberries , cleaned up, hefted tables and chairs, cut grass, ferried stuff from hall to hall or indeed whatever you did, I do hope that you know how much it was appreciated.  I also hope that you all know that we are about more than just making money for our parish funds.  All this effort makes for community too and I’m so glad that this parish is one where hard work can also be fun!  Thank you also to all who supported the recent sponsored diet undertaken by Fr. Pat and myself for the Youth Centre. I will let you know the final amount when it is all accounted for. but for now enjoy the summer hiatus…………. ’’

TEA & COFFEE in the Parish Hall after 11am Service

SUMMER HOLIDAY CLUB- ‘STARSHIP DISCOVERY’-This year our Parish will join again with Templebreedy Parish to run a children’s Bible-based Holiday Club from 21st—25th July in the Canon McCrea Hall, St Mary’s School. 10am till 1pm. €30 per child or €70 per family, which includes snack. Registration forms are available from the Parish Office or the  Rector.

CALLING ALL PARISHIONERS:   Can you save your empty Plastic Bottles and your Toilet Roll/Kitchen Roll cardboard middles for use as crafts in the Holiday Club? Just leave them with the Rector or Christine in the Office.  Also we would love some homebaking on the week of the Holiday Club to feed the hungry teen leaders (who tend to eat voraciously!)  Thanks!

TODDLERS PLUS ONE Group will continue during the summer but it still remains a group for toddlers only.   Unfortunately school going children can’t come along as there as too many little ones in the group.

MONDAY CLUB still continues during the summer. All are welcome to drop into the Parish Hall from 3pm to 5pm on Mondays. Jonathan Fleury will be the ‘key holder’ when the rector is away in August.

FUNDRAISER for our Neighbours in Templebreedy.Please join us for wine and cheese  July 20 from 6 – 9 PM and share the bounty  from your garden, your home oven, your larder (jellies, jams and cordials), your wine cellar for our honesty marquee  You are most welcome Joyce and George Gleasure  Pine View House, Knockleigh, Belgooly  Directions- 087 231 3351.

MOTHER’S UNION OUTING-Wednesday 30th July. Leaving St. Mary’s, Carrigaline at 1.30pm. Visit to The Old Deanery Gardens in Cloyne with afternoon tea,  visit to Shanagarry followed by an evening meal at the Garryvoe Hotel. Price €45 all in. Please contact Hilary on 0863680513 or 021 4378439 if you wish to come along. All welcome.


July 14th       Toddlers plus One Group 10am Parish Hall

Monday Club 3pm Parish Hall.

July 21st  – July 25th    Summer Holiday Club ‘Starship Discovery’

Sept 3rd Lectio Divinia 8pm Parish Hall

Sept 5th Parish BBQ

Sept 29th Theological Book Circle 8pm Rectory


Random Notes No. CIV

Carrigaline Church, by E.H.R., pre 1960. 001

Illustrated below is a rather interesting photograph of the interior of Carrigaline Church, taken by Erik Hodder Roberts, sometime prior to 1960.

A number of changes, some major, others minor, have taken place in the intervening fifty odd years, and thus this photograph provides a useful record of the Church as it formerly appeared.

Amongst the changes that are evident, are the following:

I   The font no longer occupies the rather curious position it does in the photograph, being now situated in the transept.

II  The original dado on the south wall is in place; this was lost during an outbreak of dry-rot in the early 1960’s, and not  replaced until a major renovation of the church was undertaken in 1992, during which a facsimile of the original dado, together with the cornice on that wall were installed

III  The communion rails are intact, and in their original setting, set upon a plinth, and with the charming little gates, since removed, in place.

IV  The floor of the aisle, then of stone, overlaid with ‘tintawn’ is at its original level, with some of the attractive heating system cast iron grills in the foreground. The floor is now of carpet overlaid on concrete.

V  The two prayer desks are in place, side by side, one facing down the Church, the other at right angles to it.

VI  The top of a sturdy gothic chair is visible placed against the dado by the pulpit. This was sold at an auction in or about the mid 1990’s of what was then considered unwanted bits and pieces from the Church, and fetched at the sale the princely sum of five pounds! It is presently preserved at Mount Rivers.

VII  One of the glass light fittings dating from, it is thought about the late 1940’s is visible; these have since been replaced by the very much larger, and somewhat industrial warehouse type fittings that at present light the Church.


Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on July 14, 2014

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