Parish Notices Sunday 13th October 2019
The Rector writes ‘Imagine my surprise when I noticed that the appointed Gospel for this Sunday is the very same gospel as we had on our TWO previous Sundays! Initially I thought I had made a mistake when I was
doing out the rota back in August but no .. it actually is the correct lectionary gospel for today the 17th Sunday after Trinity! The reason that both of our United
Harvests had the same Gospel readings was that I thought it would be interesting to sit and listen to two
different sermons on the same Harvest Gospel but little did I realise that now I would have to follow on with my own sermon on that very same reading! The Lord does indeed work in mysterious ways! Obviously the theme of gratitude is paramount during our time of Harvest and now, again hearing about the 10 lepers, only one of whom says thanks, we are triply reminded to be grateful for all we have and enjoy…. I heard someone say that it was impossible to be grateful and unhappy at the same time.’
Monkstown Home Group commences on Wednesday 16th October at 8pm at the home of John Sweeney – Suaimhneas, Upper Ardmore, Passage West. All welcome and the theme this year is Images of God – study guides provided. For further information please contact John on 085-8057313
Saplings Home Group are meeting in the Poole’s home on Wednesday 23rd October at 8pm. All welcome. 087 2649523.
Christian Aid 2020 Calendars now available from John Sweeney in Monkstown. 10 euro each. A great way to support this worthy organisation!
Mother’s Union. Wednesday 16th October at 8pm in the Parish Hall. Painting Demonstration by Dorothee Roberts. Coastal Scene in Acrylics.
Eco-Congregation “An Opportunity for Eco-Congregations in Cork City and County to Meet Each Other, Network and Share Ideas.”St Finbarr’s South Parish Eco Congregation Invite you to a talk by Donal Dorr-Finding God in Nature’ on Thursday, October 17, 7.30pm at St Finbarr’s South meeting room, Dunbar Street, South Parish, Cork. This building is located behind the church. Parking is available.
“Donal Dorr M.A., D.D. is a well-known facilitator, consultant, trainer, and author of more than a dozen books, including The Pope Francis Agenda and Option for the Poor and for the Earth. A new book, provisionally titled A Creed for Today: Proclaiming Our Faith and Commitment in a Way That Takes Account of Our New Earth Awareness, will be published next year.
Please RSVP to Maria Young of Eco Congregation St Finbarr’s South at or ring 086 839 2321.
The Owenabue Garden and Flower club, Carrigaline, will hold their annual decorative show on Monday 21 October at 8 pm in St Mary’s school hall. “Autumn Glam” demonstration will be given by Melanie Harris AOIFA. Visitors welcome. Enquiries to 086 3222615.
14th Oct Littlies + One 10-12 Parish Hall
14th – 16th Oct Rector at Clergy Conference in Ballylickey
16th Oct Holy Communion 10:30am St Mary’s Church
(thank you in advance to the Revd Edwin Hunter)
Mother’s Union. 8pm Parish Hall
Monkstown Home Group 8pm John Sweeney’s home.
17th Oct Eco Meeting 7:30pm in Dunbar Street, Cork
23rd Oct Saplings Home Group 8pm Poole’s home
13th Nov Faith in Action Information Evening 7:30pm Parish Hall
1st Nov Service of Reflection 7:30pm St Mary’s Church
22nd-24th Nov Mother’s Union Weekend Away Garryvoe Hotel.
Random Notes CCCXVIII
Transcribed beneath in its entirety is a most interesting entry contained in the Carrigaline Vestry book of minutes, relating to then proposed amalgamation of the parishes of Carrigaline and Killanully.
1917, November 12th, ‘A meeting of the Select Vestry was held at the Rectory on the above date at 10.30 a.m.
Present: Revd. J.Q.Conolly – in chair, also present, Captain Cooper [of Ballinrea House, since demolished], John Stanley [of Ballynameetagh, since demolished], Wm. Smyth [of The Rock], Richd. Kingston, D.H.Young [of Edenfell, since demolished], Major Ashhurst [of Ravenswood], George Davis, H.W.B.Roberts [of Mount Rivers].
The meeting was opened with prayer, and the minutes of the previous vestry were read and confirmed.
The chairman explained the occasion of calling the vestry, viz. the suggested amalgamation of Carrigaline Parish with Killanully Parish.
The following resolution was proposed by Capt. Cooper, and seconded by Mr. H.W.B.Roberts, and passed:
I “That having considered the proposed amalgamation of the parishes of
Carrigaline and Killanully we are willing to negotiate with a view to same”
The following resolution, proposed by Major Ashhurst and seconded by Mr. H.W.B.Roberts was also passed:
II “That in the event of the Diocesan Council requiring representatives from the vestry to attend before them relative to the amalgamation of Carrigaline and Killanully parishes, that we appoint Capt. Cooper, and Mr. John Stanley to attend”
The above suggestion relative to the amalgamation was made by a commission appointed by the Representative Church Body to enquire into the question of grants given to poor parishes. This commission reported to the Diocesan Council that the grants to Ballymarle and Killanully parishes “do seem prima facie to be justified under existing circumstances”. The commission also suggested a possible re-arrangement of these parishes with the parish of Carrigaline, and asked the Diocesan Council for suggestions with this in views’