Parish Notices Sunday 14th April 2019
The Rector writes ’I’m a glutton for punishment. We have the Easter Dawn Ecumenical Service next Sunday at 6am in Monkstown. I’ve just finished organising the Dawn Chorus for 5:45 on Sunday May 5th and to cap it all I have signed up for the ‘Darkness into Light’ Walk on Saturday May 11th! (this is the first year I get to do this as normally it is on the same time as General Synod) I think the Lord is telling me to change my sleep patterns and get up earlier! Today I didn’t have to get up as early as normal it being a United Service here in St Mary’s as we celebrate the Lord’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem by processing outdoors together with Billy the Donkey (thank you to Adrian Bateman as always). Then we return to the church for a dramatised reading of Matthew’s Passion Gospel. Thank you to the Parish Drama group for rehearsing and organising this for us. As we enter into Holy Week , I hope that each of us can somehow connect with those momentous events of 2000 years ago in a way that enlivens our faith, enabling us, like the disciples , to go out as witnesses to our Risen Lord.
Famine Lunch. Today in the Parish Hall after the Service All welcome. No charge but donations welcome. Proceeds in aid of Mother’s Union Overseas Fund.
TONIGHT Choral Evensong 7pm St John’s Church
Easter decorating in St. Mary’s Church will take place on Holy Saturday 20th at 10am . All help needed and any donations of flowers or greenery would be very welcome. No experience needed, just willing hands!

A box will be at the back of St Mary’s Church to receive any donations of Easter Eggs for the children in Cuan Lee Women’s Refuge Centre in Cork City. These will be delivered to them on Easter Sunday immediately after our 11am Service.

Time to think about what is lying around in the Attic or the Garage! It won’t be long now until 25th May and our Parish Féte in St Mary’s School.

14th April Famine Lunch in Parish Hall after Service
Choral Evensong 7pm St John’s Church
Youth Club 7pm Parish Hall
15th April Monday of Holy Week:
10.30am Holy Communion in St Mary’s
Joining with Douglas Congregation to hear Canon Alan Marley speak. 7.30pm in St Luke’s Church Douglas
16th April Tuesday of Holy Week:
10.30am Holy Communion in St Mary’s
Joining with Douglas Congregation to hear Canon Alan Marley speak. 7.30pm in St Luke’s Church Douglas
17th April Wednesday of Holy Week:
10.30am Holy Communion in St Mary’s
Joining with Douglas Congregation to hear Canon Alan Marley speak. 7.30pm in St Luke’s Church Douglas
18th April Maundy Thursday:
7pm SEDER Meal in Parish Hall followed by Holy Communion
19th April Good Friday:
10.30am St John’s – Morning Prayer with Litany
7.30pm St Mary’s – Evening Prayer with Litany
20th April Holy Saturday:
9pm St Mary’s – Easter Vigil Service , confirmation candidates reading the first lesson, Pascal candle lit from outside byre.
21st April Easter Sunday:
Dawn Service, meeting at 6 am at St John’s Church
9.30am St John’s – Easter Eucharist with Holy Baptism
11am St Mary’s – Easter Eucharist
22nd April Littlies + One 10-12 Parish Hall.
26th April CAMEO 10:30am Monkstown Bay Sailing Club
2nd May Alzheimer’s Tea Day 3pm Home of Sheila Green
5th May Dawn Chorus 5:45am Currabinny Woods Carpark
9th May Easter Vestry 7:30pm Parish Hall
12th May Confirmation Service 11:15am St John’s Church
25th May Parish Féte 10am till 2pm in St Mary’s School & Grounds
22nd –26th July Holiday Club in St Mary’s School (forms now available)
Random Notes No. CCXCIX
There are two excellent online resources for investigating old maps, historic townlands and civil parishes. The first is GeoHive and the second is Irish Townlands.
GeoHive ( is run by the Ordnance Survey of Ireland and provides access to a range of current and historic maps and census data. Of especial interest are the historic 6-inch and 25-inch maps, dating from the 19th and early 20th centuries.
Irish Townlands ( provides mapping of townlands, civil parishes, baronies and electoral divisions.
It is based on OpenStreetMap, which is in turn based on OpenStreetMap (

For reference, a 6-inch map (below) and townland map (above)

of Ballinaboy parish are included here. The maps are not to the same scale, but some common features should be identifiable. The now-ruined church of Ballinaboy is clearly visible on the 6-inch map.