Parish Notices Sunday 14th January 2018
The Rector writes ‘ The Bishop invites you all to attend two important commissioning events to be held this month in St Fin Barre’s Cathedral. The first is the commissioning of Hilda Connelly as Diocesan Youth Officer and this will be at 3:30pm on Sunday 21st January. The next will be the commissioning of the Revd Alan Marley as Chaplain for UCC and his installation as Prebendary of Dromdaleague and Kilnaglory which will all take place at 3:30pm on Sunday 28th January.
These are important diocesan occasions and we are all invited to be part of them. Hilda is already well known to many of you in our parish ,her aunt Iris & cousins Oriel & Luke obviously, but also to many of our young people as she has included our gang in many of her outings in her previous part-time role as West Cork Youth Officer. The former Dean of Cloyne is also well known in the diocese and he will be an excellent and very much needed chaplain in UCC. I encourage all who possibly can to come along and support Hilda & Alan on their special days (and also to soak up the wonderful Cathedral music & singing) but in particular I would ask any young people who know Hilda or any of you who work or attend UCC to make a special effort to be there.’
CONFIRMATION 2018 If you would like to be confirmed this year, please let the Rector know. Weekly Confirmation Classes (Saturdays 5-6:30pm) will start on 3rd February.
Diocesan Magazine Subscriptions (€25) are now due. Please pay Rowland Newenham or the Wardens.
TALK ON CARRIGALINE POTTERY. Wednesday 17th January at 8pm in the Parish Hall. Lesley Roberts and Clodagh King present ‘ A History of Carrigaline Pottery’. All welcome, organized by the Mother’s Union. Refreshments afterwards.
For the past three years, Hilda Connolly has worked part-time mainly in the West Cork area as the West Cork Youth Development Youth Officer. On 1st January, she began on a full time basis as the Diocesan Youth Officer, covering the whole of the diocese. The Bishop is holding a Commissioning Service in St. Fin Barre’s Cathedral, Cork at 3.30pm on the 21st of January for Hilda and she would love to see a few familiar faces in the crowd. So please come along and join in on the celebrations. She would be delighted to have you there.
Carrigaline Family Support Centre are running a FREE Parenting Alone Course starting Monday 15th January. It is a morning course from 10am – 12pm and it will run for six consecutive weeks. It is on in Carrigaline Lions Youth Centre. The Parenting Alone programme highlights practical steps a parent can take to help their children cope and thrive as well as coping successfully themselves. It focuses on reducing stress throughout all stages of parenting alone. Anyone interested please contact: Carrigaline Family Support Centre 021-4919299 or
Tractor & Truck Run Bandon Mart. Sunday 21 January 12.30pm at the Old Still, Bandon. Proceeds in Aid of St. Peter’s Church Development Fund, BASC Bandon and Cork Down Syndrome Centre. Registration: Cost €20.00 For Further Information Contact: Jean Deane 086-2403630 or Richard Kingston 086-6015621.
KINGDOM MEN CORK – New Wine Ireland
Saturday 17 February 9.15 am. Carrigrohane Parish Centre, Carrigrohane, Co Cork. Speaker: Rev Kingsley Sutton
This morning will include times of worship, teaching, ministry and food.
Doors open 9am.Event starts with Breakfast 9.15. Finish 12.45pm
Cost €12 (+ service charge) per person.
PLEASE BOOK NO LATER THAN THE 24TH JANUARY (New Wine makes go/no go decisions based on early booking numbers) e/kingdom-men-cork-tickets- 41140905556
50 Shades of Red & The Birds and the Bees – New Wine Ireland & Love for Life.
Saturday 17 February @ 2pm. Carrigrohane Parish Centre, Carrigrohane, Co Cork
New Wine Ireland is working with ‘Love for Life’ to deliver two seminars on challenges in family life.
15th Jan Toddlers Plus One 10am until 12 noon Parish Hall
Monday Club 3pm until 5pm Parish Hall
Theological Book Circle 8pm Rectory
17th Jan Holy Communion 10:30am in St Mary’s Church
Mothers’ Union 8pm Parish Hall
21st Jan St Fin Barre’s Cathedral 3.30pm
Commissioning of Hilda Connelly as Diocesan Youth Officer
28th Jan St Fin Barre’s Cathedral 3.30pm
The Commissioning of the Reverend Alan Marley as Chaplain to University College Cork and his Installation as Prebendary of Dromdaleague and Kilnaglory.
Random Notes No. CCLVII
Transcribed beneath is a random selection of some interesting extracts taken from the vestry minutes book of St. Mary’s Church, Carrigaline, covering the period from 1831 to 1950.
1845, Easter Monday, 24th March,
‘Resolved – That Thos. N. Blair and Johnson Savage Esqrs be appointed Church Wardens for the ensuing year.
Resolved – That the undermentioned gentlemen be appointed officers of health for the Parish of Carrigaline, Chas. Busteed, John Travers, Michl. Robets. Thos.Dyer, Esqrs.
Resolved – That the following gentlemen be appointed for the Parish of Barnahealy,
Col. Burke, D. Connor, Wm. B. Warren, Robt. Warren, Esqrs.
Resolved – That the under mentioned gentlemen be appointed Parish Overseers of Public Houses, under the Spirit Act, for Carrigaline, Johnson Savage, John Travers, Wm. Busteed, Wm. Heazle, Henry O’Brien, Shaw Busteed, David Deane, Chas. Good, Wm. Daunt, Esqrs.
Resolved – That the following gentlemen be appointed for Barnahealy for above mentioned purposes, Thos. N. Blair, Thos. Warren, Robt. Warren, D. Connor, Col. Burke, George Foot, Wm. Warren, R. Foote, Mr. Thompson.’
1862, Easter Monday, 21st April,
‘Resolved – That the sum of £13 be given to James Atkins for his services as Organist for the past year.’
1864, April 11th,
‘Resolved- That a Subscription List be opened to raise the sum of £12 to pay Mr. James Atkins a salary as Organist for the ensuing year ending Easter 1865.
Resolved – That the Rev. C.M. Benson, the Church Wardens, J.T. Hodder Esq & Wm. Pearson Esq. M.D. be requested to wait on the parishioners & endeavour to obtain their active cooperation in this good work.’
1879, Easter Monday, 21st April,
Resolved – That the Vestry are of opinion that it would be well to apply to the Government at this time on behalf of the Curates & small incumbents whom it is thought did not receive due compensation under the provision of the act of Disestablishment of 1869 & that the chairman do take steps to give effect to this resolution.’