Parish Notices Sunday 14th October 2018
The Rector writes ‘After the excitement of Harvest and Animal Blessings, our Services today return to the normal rhythm of ‘Ordinary Time’ but as you can see inside these pages, it is the 20th Sunday after Trinity and so it really won’t be long until it is Advent -The year has flown by!
I actually ordered the two sets of Advent Candles on Thursday so that really brought it home to me. Before we get to Advent though, there is November – always a time of remembering those who have gone before us. This year we will have a special evening Service of Reflection in St Mary’s Church on Thursday 1st November, All Saints Day.
On Sunday 11th November, we will have a minutes silence and a short Act of Remembrance during both of the morning Services. The evening Choral Evensong will be a special Remembrance Service for the 100th Anniversary of the end of the First World War. It is very appropriate that this year Remembrance Sunday actually falls on 11th November.’
AFTERNOON MOTHERS’ UNION – Wednesday, 17th October 1.30 – 3.30pm. Bring and share lunch – Soup provided. Enjoy some photos of the famous Alhambra in Spain as well as friendship and chat. ALL WELCOME. If you would like a lift please contact Hilary on 086-3680513
ALL BABIES, TODDLERS AND PRE-SCHOOLERS are welcome to come along with their mum, dad, grandparent, carer for playtime and chat with a cup of coffee and a biscuit. NO CHARGE. Every Monday (except Bank Holidays) from 10 – 12 at the Parish Hall in St. Mary’s Churchyard, Carrigaline.
EVENING CONCERT On Friday 19th Oct @ 8pm St. Nicholas Brass Band along with special guests Hairmonics Barbershop Quartet are performing an evening Concert. The venue is St. Michael’s Church of Ireland Church, Church Road, Blackrock, Cork.. This promises to be a great night with a wide variety of music and we do hope that you can to join us for the occasion. Tickets €10 available at the door.
THE OWENABUE GARDEN AND FLOWER CLUB will hold their Decorative show Work Night in St Mary’s School Hall on Monday 22nd October, at 8 pm, . “Wonderful Christmas ideas” will be demonstrated by Breda Keohane. Visitors are welcome. Enquiries to 0863222615.
WILTON JUSTICE GROUP-”The Sustainable Development Goals- implications for Ireland and the wider world. “ Presentation by Sean Healy SMA, Director of Social Justice Ireland followed by Discussion and Q & A at SMA, Wilton Parish Centre on Wed 24th of October 7- 9pm. Admission Free.
15th Oct Littlies + One 10-12 Parish Hall. Monday Club 3-5 Parish Hall.
17th Oct Holy Communion 10:30am St Mary’s Church
17th Oct Mother’s Union. 1:30pm Parish Hall.
28th Oct Youth Club Halloween Party. 7pm Parish Hall.
1st Nov Service of Remembrance 7:30pm St Mary’s Church
11th Nov Remembrance Sunday Choral Evensong 7pm St John’s Church
Youth Club. 7pm Parish Hall.
13th Nov Mary Cowhig’s Poetry Book Launch, ‘The Mongrel’s Lament’ 7pm Public Library,
15th -17th Nov Theatre Supper , Douglas, times tbc
1st-2nd Dec Carrigaline Christmas Fayre (St Mary’s PA) GAA Hall , Carrigaline
19th Dec Parish Advent Film Night – The Nativity
Random Notes No. CCLXXXVIII
Vivienne Draper’s book, “The Children of Dunseverick”, is an account of her childhood in Dunseverick parish, Co. Antrim, where her father was curate-in-charge. He had to cope with parishioners whose minds were on other things in church.
“Sundays were days of great importance in the countryside, it was a day for meeting each other, a real social occasion. Father found he had a job on his hands to emphasise the fact that prayers and worship in a reverent manner took precedence over the news that Letitia Brown and Thomas Agnew had named the date for their marriage after walking out for eleven years. Letitia sang in the choir and Thomas sat where their eyes could meet and they had ogled each other al that time without missing a single Sunday. One old man gloomily predicted that marriage would end all that excitement when they sat together as man and wife. “
Bored teenagers were another hazard.
“A girl called Kitty, who sat directly behind my father, grew bored with the long service one Sunday and began to pin the hem of his surplice sleeves to the back of the pew with tacks from the notice board beside her, When he went to move to the lectern, there was a tearing sound and he halted.”
Carrigaline Union Parishioners would never behave like that!