Parish Notices Sunday 14th September 2014
The Rector writes ‘The Sunday School begins again today in St Mary’s Church. It is a lovely thing to see children tripping happily out to learn more about God . There would probably be a lot of adults in our churches who would gladly trip out to Sunday School but that is another story! The procedure for Sunday School has changed slightly, the children will leave as normal during the Gradual Hymn before the Gospel reading but they will be brought back into the Church during the final Hymn rather than be collected by their parent/guardian over in the Parish Hall. All children from 4 years until they have been confirmed are welcome to come along to Sunday School and if your child is 3, you are welcome to come along with the child occasionally to ‘test it out’ . I hope that before long we will also have Sunday School in St Johns, certainly the amount of Baptisms we have had in St John’s would indicate this as being a distinct possibility in 2/3 years time.’
We are holding a Scrap Metal Collection to raise funds for the Parish. So have a clear out of your shed, garage and attic! If you require your scrap metal to be collected then we can arrange to collect if from your home/business. Call Adrian Bateman on 0868300379 or Henry Forbes on 0872035000 for information on where to drop it off or if you need it collected. A full listing of acceptable items and materials is on the website
Christian Aid Coffee Morning in aid of their Iraq Appeal. Tuesday 16th Sept 1030am-midday. Hilary Dring’s home, Westwood, Currabinny. Tel; 086-3680513.
Mothers’ Union – We look forward to meeting up again this month, on Wednesday, 17th September, when we will have our opening service of Holy Communion followed by our AGM and tea. We will also have cards, diaries, and calendars etc. for sale that evening. All this will be at St. Mary’s Church in Carrigaline, at 8 pm.
Families First is a faith & family life magazine which encourages, supports and inspires families of all shapes and sizes around the world. It is the magazine of Mothers’ Union,which is dedicated to supporting families worldwide. Stay up to date with issues that families face today. If you would be interested in receiving a copy please talk to Hilary Dring 086-3680513. You can also access it online at
We are looking for photographs and/or service details of relatives of parishioners who served in World War I. These will be used for a silent visual presentation as part of Remembrance Sunday Choral Evensong in Monkstown on November 9th. Copies will also be passed to St Fin Barre’s to form part of the Cathedral’s World War I Remembrance. If you have any photographs (in uniform or otherwise), memories or details of those who served in the Great War, please contact Simon Woodworth at (086) 083 0639 or All material will handled with the utmost care. Once it is scanned and copied the originals will be returned promptly. Thank you!
Teen BBQ will be held in the home of Michelle and Simon Woodworth on Saturday September 27th, starting at 6pm. We will be having an autumn bonfire as well so bring a musical instrument if you have one. Cost €3 per person to cover food and soft drinks. For more info or to book please contact Simon Woodworth at (086) 083 0639 or before Wednesday 24th so we can confirm numbers for catering and email you directions!
St Mary’s Indoor Bowls club meets every Tuesday at 745pm in St Mary’s School Hall. New members welcome. For enquiries contact Denis McLoughlin at 087-6100717 or Henry Forbes 087-2035000.
The Owenabue Garden and Flower club, Carrigaline, will resume on Monday 22 September at 8 pm with a meeting in St Mary’s C of I school hall (Entrance beside the main gates to the Community school). The speaker will be Carl Wright on the story of his Caher Bridge Garden, Clare, on the edge of the Burren. Visitors Welcome. Any enquiries to 086 3222615.
Church of Ireland Children’s Ministry Course to be held at Education Centre, Northridge House, St Luke’s Home, Cork-Saturday October 11th : 10.30 – 12noon- Children & Community,12-00 – 12.30 Lunch, 12.30 – 2pm Leadership Skills.
Saturday November 8th :10.30 – 12noon- Child Development, 12-00 – 12.30 Lunch, 12.30 – 2pm- Pastoral Awareness.
Saturday November 22nd- Building Blocks Conference, Dublin.
Saturday January 17th 2015 10.30 – 12noon- Programme Planning, 12-00 – 12.30 Lunch, 12.30 – 2pm- Spirituality and the Bible.
Hilary Dring, Tracey Pierce and Helen Bannon successfully completed this course in 2013 so speak with them if you want to find out whether this is something for you or not. Please let the Rector know if you would like to participate in this course as soon as possible..
St Luke’s Home Education Centre Evening Courses-The Education Centre is offering a morning introduction to Mindfulness on Saturday 20th September 10:30am – 12pm. This is a taster for our seven week course that will commence on Thursday 25th September and run on Thursday evenings concluding with a full practice day. We also offer a six evening course of Addressing Loss which commences on 23rd October and runs for six Thursday evenings. Further details on or Claire at 021-4536551.
Sept 15th Toddlers plus One Group 10am Parish Hall
Monday Club 3pm Parish Hall.
Sept 17th Mother’s Union opening service & AGM. 8pm St Mary’s Church
Sept 18th Junior Choir 6.30pm St Mary’s Church
Sept 27th Teen BBQ. 6pm. Woodworth’s home
Sept 29th Theological Book Circle 8pm Rectory
Oct 11th Harvest Parish Supper 7.30pm in Canon McCrea Hall
Oct 12th Harvest Thanksgiving Services 11am St Mary’s and 7pm St John’s.
Oct 18th Visit of a group from Feed the Minds charity to parish. Evening Gathering in the Rectory. All welcome.
Oct 19th Feed the Minds speaker in both churches.
Oct 30th Children’s Movie Night 6 to 8pm Parish Hall
Nov 1st Reflective Service of Remembering 7pm St Mary’s
Nov 7th EcoCongregation Seminar 7.30pm in Parish Hall.
Nov 15th Quiet Day in Parish Hall, more details later.
Random Notes No. CXII
History of Monkstown Castle continued from Random Notes 31st August.
By the end of the 17th Century, the descendants of John and Anastacia continued to occupy the castle until the Cromwellian period, when the castle was occupied by Captain Thomas Plunkett on behalf of the Parliamentarians. At the end of the war Cromwell deprived the Archdeacons of their castle and lands because they sided with James 11.
The castle was subsequently handed over to a Colonel Huncks, who was one of the regicides of Charles 1. Considering his position and its precarious nature, Huncks decided to sell the castle to Primate Michael Boyle, Archbishop of Armagh and Lord Chancellor of Ireland. In the late 17th Century on Boyle’s death the property reverted to his granddaughter who married Sir Thomas Versey.
The castle was later occupied by John Callaghan in the 1770s and at the start of the nineteenth century the Shaw family took up residence at Monkstown Castle. Bernard Shaw was employed as collector of the Port of Cork and with his time at Monkstown Castle he carried out extensive repairs to the castle and grounds. An inscription of initials ‘B.S.’ and date ‘1841’ is evident above one of the consoles in the building. This commemorates the re-roofing and repair of the house by Bernard Shaw. William Deane was the probable contractor for some works at the castle, including ‘a segment Gothic window’. Works carried out at the castle included the slating, plastering and some masons’ work. A large number of trees were planted by Shaw to make up what is now the Monkstown Demesne. Mr. Shaw also had a set of fine stone arches constructed near the graveyard. A magnificent pair of iron gates, which were made at Scannell’s forge, were also erected at the entranceway to the castle. The name ‘Bernard Shaw’ and the date 1804 were incorporated into these impressive iron gates. In June 1848 Bernard Shaw died suddenly in his carriage while driving to Monkstown and there is scant evidence to suggest that the Boyles remained in residence at Monkstown Castle during the next 50 years.
The castle was utilised as a military barracks during the Peninsular war from 1808-1814. It was used to accommodate up to 450 soldiers during this period. Reference has been made to some additions to the castle and extensive improvements being made to the estate by Arthur Hill and Samuel Thomas in the mid to late 19th century.
In the early stages of the twentieth century it served as headquarters for the Monkstown Badminton Club from 1902-3. In 1908 the castle was acquired by the new Monkstown Golf Club. The committee made constant repairs to the route access to the castle from 1925 onwards, and in 1938 electricity was installed. After World War 11 major refurbishments were made, including the instillation of proper heating and lighting. The Monkstown Golf Club Committee purchased the property outright in 1958 and it remained the headquarters until 1983.
The castle was purchased by Sean Condon and Niall Fitzgerald in July 2007. Planning permission was granted in December 2007 to restore the castle to a single structure. Work commenced in April 2008 and works are ongoing. RCE