Parish Notices Sunday 15th December 2013

The Rector writes  ‘I am in the process of putting together all of the service sheets for our special Christmas Services and I know that the Monkstown Chamber Choir and our Junior Choir are busy practising for these Services too. Such a lot of effort on the part of many people goes into preparing the churches at this time of year as we prepare to celebrate the coming of Christ.  I would like to take this opportunity BEFORE all the busyness begins next week to thank you for all each of you do to make Christmas special in the Carrigaline Union.  The Carrigaline Community Carol Service is next Friday 20th at 7.30pm in St Mary’s Church. The Nine Lessons & Carols Service is at 4pm on Sunday 22nd in St John’s Church (as well as our normal Sunday Services) while on Christmas Eve we have the Carols around the Crib Service (which appeals in particular to younger children) at 4pm in St Mary’s and the ‘First Eucharist of the Nativity’ is at Midnight in St Mary’s. The Christmas Day Services will be at our normal Sunday times of 9.30am in St John’s and 11am in St Mary’s.’

TEA and COFFEE will be available after the 11am Service in the Parish Hall

Wednesdays in Advent during Advent , our 10.30am Wednesday Eucharist  Service will be in the language of Form 1 (traditional language).  All are welcome to this midweek Service in St Mary’s Church Carrigaline.

MOTHERS’ UNION-Monday, 16th December from 3-5pm we will join with the Monday Club and there will be Carol Singing and Christmas Afternoon Tea. If there are any elderly people who would like to come and need a lift please get in touch. Invite your friends – it would be lovely to have as many at both events as possible.

It would be much appreciated if  people could bring mince pies on Friday 20th for the refreshments in the Parish Hall after the community carols.

CONFIRMATIONS 2014- If you would like to be confirmed in 2014, could you please let the Rector know as the classes will begin on 23rd January. All those who have already put their name down will be contacted before then.

THANK YOU to all of you who provided cakes, jams, chutneys, vegetables etc for the Home Produce Stall at the recent Christmas Craft Fayre. The Parents Association of our Parish School really appreciates the effort you all put into their       fundraising endeavours. It was an exhausting but wonderful two days for all of the organisers. Thank you again.

8th ANNUAL YOUTH LEADERS TRAINING WEEKEND- 24th—26th January The Quality Hotel, Clonakilty. Cost: €120 (waged) or €60 (unwaged). This great deal includes: dinner x 2, accommodation x 2 nights, breakfast x 2, lunch x 1 and access to pool and leisure centre! Booking form available from the Diocesan Youth Council of the Church of Ireland in Cork

RAINBOW PROGRAMME FOR 2014-a 12 week Rainbows Programme will be running for children in Spring 2014.  It is a peer-support programme to assist children and young people who have experienced loss in their lives through divorce or separation in their family.  It is for children aged 9-12 years old and the programme runs for one hour every week in the Carrigaline Family Support Centre.  No cost.  They will also be running 2 Parenting Plus courses for parents in March 2014.  They will run the adolescent’s (11-16 years) and children’s (0-6 years) programmes. These are 8 week courses and will take place in the Carrigaline Community School. To find out more information or to reserve a place on either of these programmes please call  4919299.



Dec 15th       Sunday School Cake Sale in Parish Hall after 11am Service

Dec 16th        Toddlers plus one Group 10am Parish Hall

Dec 16th        MU Carol Singing & Afternoon Tea 3-5pm Parish Hall.

Dec 20th        Carrigaline Community Carols 7.30pm St Mary’s Church

Dec 22nd Nine Lessons & Carols 4pm St John’s Church

Dec 24th Carols around the Crib 4pm St Mary’s Church


Random Notes LXXVII      


Bishop of Meath and Klidare, 30th November, 2013

Readers of ‘Random Notes’ will no doubt be already well aware that on Saturday, 30th November last, the first woman to be elected to the episcopate in the British Isles, the Rev. Patricia Louise Storey, was in Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin, consecrated Bishop of Meath and Kildare.

Illustrated above is the Order of Service used at that service, signed by the new Bishop, and additionally by both the Archbishops of Armagh and of Dublin, the Bishops of Derry and Raphoe, and of Cork, Cloyne and Ross.

A rather interesting little memento of a notable event and one worth sharing, it is hoped.



Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on December 16, 2013

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