Parish Notices Sunday 15th January 2017
The Rector writes ‘I noticed in this month’s Diocesan Magazine that the Bishop is asking whether it might be a good thing to restart the ‘Bishop’s Course in Theology’ in this diocese.
I began my own theological journey in just such a way back in 2000 by completing the ‘Archbishop’s Course in Theology’ in Dublin & Glendalough and I found that it was really stimulating and exciting (although at the time I had no idea where it would lead ! ) I highly recommend this sort of course if you would like to broaden your knowledge of things theological. Several people in Carrigaline Union completed this course when it last ran and so perhaps you could speak to them if you think you might be interested. Just talk to me and I’ll point you in the right direction!’
DIOCESAN MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS for 2017 are due by 31st January. The annual subscription is €25. Please pay Rowland Newenham or the Church Wardens.
CONFIRMATION If there is anyone you know of in the parish who might still wish to be confirmed, please contact the Rector immediately. The classes will begin on Saturday 4th February and it won’t be possible to join in once they have begun .
Mothers’ Union, Wednesday 18th at 8 pm in the Parish Hall. Beauty Evening/Demo with Tracey Pierce. All welcome.
Monkstown home group will meet again on Tuesday 24th January at 8pm at Hazel and Jonathan Fleury’s house. All welcome. Enquiries to John Sweeney 087-0656290.
Passage, Glenbrook & Monkstown Grow It Yourself group meet Thursday 19 January 2017. It is a conversational and advice meeting for anyone planning their veg patches or garden layout, and is geared towards absolute beginners too. Meeting Church Of Ireland Hall. €5. All welcome, including youngsters. Further details 086 2405773. or
Owenabue Garden and Flower club, Carrigaline will hold their AGM in the Canon McCrea Hall in St Mary’s School on Monday 23 January at 8 pm. This will be followed by a quiz. Enquiries to 086 3222615.
16th Jan Toddlers plus One 10am
Monday Club 3-5pm Parish Hall
18th Jan Holy Communion 10.30am St Mary’s
Mothers’ Union 8pm Parish Hall
24th Jan Monkstown Home Group 8pm Fleury’s home
25th Jan Ecumenical Service for the Week of PrayeR for Christian Unity 7.30pm St Mary’s
Preacher : Dr Andrew Pierce, Trinity College
27th Jan CAMEO. Monkstown Sailing Club. 10.30am
29th Jan United Service 11am St Mary’s Church
Service of Wholeness & Healing 7pm St John’s
Random Notes CCXVIII
Quite fascinatingly and co-incidentally, and as a follow on, so to speak, from random notes of December 18th, two rather interesting pieces of memorabilia relating to the Rev. William Spotswood Green, one dated during his incumbency of Carrigaline, the other just after it, have, within the past few days, come to light, contained amongst a small number papers relating to the Cork Literary and Scientific Society, preserved at Mount Rivers.
The first is a receipted invoice, undated, but the receipt dated 24th October, 1889, from Henry Lund, of 7, Sunview terrace, College Road, Cork, to The Cork Literary & Scientific Society, for attendance, on four occasions in 1888-89, ‘with the Oxy-Hydrogen Lantern, etc. to illustrate the following lectures’, including on Thursday,10th January, 1889, the following:
‘Rev. W. Green on the Axe & Camera in the Rocky mountains, £1-12-00’
The second item is also a receipted invoice, dated Wednesday, 23rd December, 1891, from the long established ‘Mundie’s Select Library, Ltd., of 30-34, New Oxford Street, London, to Francis William Allman, of Rathlee, Sunday’s Well, Cork, for:
Green’s Selkirk Glaciers, 1st edn., orig. cloth 7-6
Postage 41/2
It is evident from the above that Mr. Allman, who was at the time the treasurer of the Cork Literary and Scientific Society, and thus the recipient of Mr. Lund’s account in 1889, must have sufficiently enjoyed the rector’s illustrated lecture, to two years later buy a copy of his ‘Among the Selkirk glaciers, being the account of a rough survey in the Rocky Mountain regions of British Colombia.’, first published in London, 1890.