Parish Notices Sunday 16th November 2014

The Rector writes  ‘’Within this Linksheet you will have received a separate note telling you about an opportunity to order your Christmas Tree from the parish this year.  This is a novel fundraising idea that we hope will generate much needed income for the parish.  On the back page of the Linksheet there is an invitation from me to you for the upcoming Gift Day which as you know is not entirely unconnected with fundraising either!

But while donations on the Gift Day are very, very welcome,  the event is also an opportunity for you to come to the Rectory and chat with both myself and members of the Select Vestry about our Parish, about what we have been doing and about our vision for the future.  We sang a lovely hymn last week at the St John’s Remembrance Choral Evensong that put it very beautifully ‘Remember forward…’ a lovely phrase that expresses what we try to do –  cherishing the past as we also look to the future.’  Do have a read of the back page (and apologies to our Random Notes team for taking over the page this week!) and I hope you can join us in the Rectory next Sunday, 23rd November’

CHARITY RETURNS -If you make regular identifiable donations to the Parish and have not already returned your Charity Return form for 2013 (which you should have received in early September) please return it now to our Parish Treasurer Helen Arnopp. If you require another form please contact Christine in the office.

DOG SHOW – Saturday 22nd November at 1pm, St Mary’s School, Carrigaline. €5 per dog for entry into one class, €3 for a second class, €2 for a third class. All welcome. Proceeds in aid of Parish Funds. Please contact Adrian Bateman for further details on 086-8300379.

MOTHER’S UNION ‘Christmassy Crafts and Chat’ with Mothers’ Union at  St. Mary’s Church Hall Wednesday, 19th November at 8pm. All welcome to join us.

CHRISTMAS BAKING/HOME PRODUCE- Last year we baked and helped with items for the home produce stall at the Carrigaline Christmas Fayre enabling it to be one of the most successful stalls of the weekend. St. Mary’s NS Parents’ Association have approached us again this year to see if we can help out. The dates are Sat. 29th and Sun. 30th November; your contributions will be welcome from 10.30am on each day. Thank you very much to all who can help out in this way. It is really appreciated.

Women’s Weekend, 21st- 23rd November, Garryvoe Hotel-a weekend to take some time out and enjoy. Booking forms at the back of the church. For more info talk to Hilary  086-3680513. For women of all ages.

Christmas Craft Fayre- St. Marys National School are holding their annual Fayre on November 29th & 30th in Carrigaline GAA Hall. Do pencil these dates into your diary. There will be a wide range of art, craft and gift stalls, a raffle, café, fun for children. A great place to purchase Christmas gifts!

Monkstown Home Group-  Tuesday 25th November at Liz Hanna’s house. The one after next is on Tuesday 9th December at Hilary Warren-Perry’s house; the home group will reconvene then in January 2015. Newcomers most welcome.

C.D.Y.C. Soccer Tournament. NMCI, Maritime College, Ringaskiddy, When?: Saturday 22nd November, 1.00pm – 6.00pm.Who?: Young people of secondary school age There will be two separate groups of teams in the       tournament: one for under 15’s & one for over 15’s. Girls are especially encouraged to participate and always do well!! Contact Peter Coughlan or Conor Murray for more details.

BOOK OF REMEMBERING If you would like to write in the name of anyone who has been a major part of your life and who has died, there is now a parish book, where you can write in the name along with their birth date and the date of their death. While it is not usual in Anglican theology to pray for our departed family and friends, it is very much a part of our tradition to truly remember and value the role they played in our lives.

GIY (Grow it yourself) meeting will be held on Thursday 20 November at 7.30 pm in the Church of Ireland School Hall (Marmullane) Passage West.

BISHOPS’ APPEAL EBOLA RETIRING COLLECTION baskets will remain at the back of the Churches until the end of November.  Then all the monies collected during the month will be sent to Bishops’ Appeal in Dublin. Thank you for your support.

CIT Engineering, Science & Technology Roadshow -Monday 17th November in the National Maritime College of Ireland in Ringaskiddy at 7.00 p.m. It aims to provide students, guardians, teachers and guidance counsellors with the information they require about engineering, science & technology courses, careers and research options available at CIT.  Further information on All welcome to attend.

Owenabue Garden and Flower Club, Carrigaline will have their “Christmas Gala Demonstrations” given by Diane Gallagher on Monday 24 November at 8 pm. in the St Mary’s School hall, Carrigaline, Teas and snacks served. Tickets €10 available at the door. Visitors always welcome. Enquiries to 086 3222615.


Nov 17th    Toddlers plus One Group 10am Parish Hall

Monday Club 3pm Parish Hall.

Nov 18th    Midleton College Rotary Club Tea Party 4pm

Nov 19th    Midweek Eucharist 10.30am St Mary’s

Mother’s Union Crafts & Chat 8pm Parish Hall.

Nov 22nd CDYC Sports Day in NMCI  1pm –6pm


Nov 22nd Dog Show 1pm St Mary’s School

Nov 23rd Gift Day in the Rectory 12 till 4pm

Nov 25th Monkstown Home Group 8pm. Liz Hanna’s home

Nov 29th & 30th St Mary’s School Parents’ Association Christmas Craft Fayre GAA Hall. 11am-6pm

Nov 30th United Advent Service 11am St Mary’s

Service of Wholeness and Healing 7pm in St John’s


The Rector writes: I would like to invite you to the Rectory on Sunday 23rd November.

This is the last Sunday of the Liturgical year which we celebrate as ‘Christ the King’ and when we have our annual Gift Day.

There will be an ‘open house’ from just after the 11am Service in St Mary’s until 4 pm and everyone is welcome to come along and enjoy fellowship and refreshments.

It will be a day to celebrate all the talents in our Parish and a day where you can contribute to the parish with a gift of money (‘Treasure’ ),  by offering a gift of service to the Parish (‘Talent’ ) or by committing to uphold the work of the parish  in  prayer (‘Time’).

                                                     Luke 17:20-21                                                     

Once Jesus was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God was coming, and he answered, ‘The kingdom of God is not coming with things that can be observed; nor will they say, “Look, here it is!” or “There it is!” For, in fact, the kingdom of God is among you.’

Together we are a community of people who try to advance the kingdom of God in Carrigaline and Monkstown, and with the help of God, we can do this by giving of ourselves in whatever way we can.

Thank you for being part of this community and for all that you already do and give. I hope to see you on 23rd.

With all God’s blessings,   Elaine


Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on November 17, 2014

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