Parish Notices Sunday 16th September 2018

The Rector writes  ‘We have a hectic few weeks coming up…next Sunday 23rd is our special Blessing of Animals Service in St Mary’s , then a Wedding in St Mary’s on Saturday 29th (don’t forget that we can’t decorate St Mary’s for the Harvest until that evening!) then on the Saturday 30th it’s a United Harvest Thanksgiving in St Mary’s (no Service in St John’s) then the Harvest Supper on the Saturday night 6th in the Canon McCrea Hall and finally  the United Harvest Thanksgiving Service in St John’s on 7th (no Service in St Mary’s) … well no one can ever accuse us of not celebrating

Creation time!.  If you have grown Sunflowers from the seeds given out at Rogation, could you please send me a photo with the measurements as the prize will be awarded on 30th at the first United Harvest Service. Mine were disastrous this year so I’m hoping you had better luck with yours!


HARVEST SUPPER Millie Kingston is co-ordinating the dishes (Salads/Dessert) for the Harvest Supper on 6th October so please contact her  and let her know whether you can bring dessert or salad so we get the balance right!

Monkstown home group will recommence on Tuesday 25th September at 8pm at Suaimhneas, Upper Ardmore Passage West T12 X46N. We welcome existing and new members. For further details call John Sweeney on 087-0656290

Carrigaline Home Group will recommence on Wednesday 26th  September at 8pm in the Poole’s home. We are at a stage when we would like to think of some fresh ideas for ‘The Saplings’ Home Group so put your thinking caps on and join us on the night. New members are always welcome, just contact Cecil or Clare for more information.

MOTHERS’ UNION Communion Service 8pm Wednesday 19th  September in St Mary’s Church. Calendars and cards will be available for purchase. All welcome to join us.


GRIEF & LOSS SUPPORT PROGRAMME An 8 Week course starting Monday 8th October till Monday 26th November (8pm-10pm) at the Parish Centre, Our Lady & St John’s Church. Further information and registration, please contact Ber 021-4371109 before Friday 5th October.

GREEN ISSUES Our sister church of Our Lady and Saint John in Carrigaline are organising an environmental awareness Course entitled ‘The World as a Joyful Mystery’ which involves 6 Thursday evenings 7pm—9:30pm from 27th September till 1st November, plus 1 full day on Saturday 20th October from 10am till 5pm. The Course is free but places are limited so prior booking essential. Contact Ber Parfrey 086-8469405 or email

TEMPLEBREEDY FLOWER FESTIVAL to celebrate its 150th Anniversary this year, Holy Trinity Church in Crosshaven are hosting a Flower Festival on 21st to 23rd September with the theme ‘Praise and Thanks’, Contact the Co-ordinator Esther Ross 021-4887273 for details.

Owenabue Garden and Flower club, Carrigaline, will hold their next meeting on Monday 24 September at 8 pm in St Mary’s school hall. Talk will be given by Philip Hallwey on “Making a one acre country retreat in Wexford”. Visitors welcome. Enquiries to 086 3222615.




19th Sept       Holy Communion 10:30am   St Mary’s Church

19th Sept       Mothers’ Union Service 8pm St Mary’s Church

21st/23rd       Culture Night : Art/Jewellery Exhibition Parish Hall

22nd Sept     Reading/Intercessions Workshop 10-12 St Mary’s

23rd Sept     Blessing of Animals Service 11am St Mary’s Church

25th Sept      Monkstown Home Group 8pm

26th Sept     Carrigaline Home Group 8pm

30th Sept      United Harvest Service 11:15am St Mary’s Church

Preacher : Mr Keith Roberts

1st Oct           Theological Book Circle 8pm Rectory

6th Oct          Harvest Supper 7:30pm Canon McCrea Hall

7th Oct          United Harvest Service 11:15am St John’s Church

Preacher : The Revd Edwin Hunter

 Random Notes  No. CCLXXXIV

“A Bad Apple?” It has been an interesting summer in the garden. The drought during June & July, for me at least, brought no loganberries and the blackcurrants “panicked”.

The leaves had a strange curled,  distorted effect and there was no fruit. The blackbirds ate any gooseberries that were present. Maybe this was a way of getting some moisture during the really dry spell? The pumpkins in Fota struggled to get going, and the sprinkler simply kept them alive.

The tomatoes and grapes thrived however, loving the record temperatures. Who could have imagined during the snow in March, that outdoor grapes would be ready for picking by the end of August?!

My apples (Cox’s Orange Pippin) have not been great. A neighbour recently pruned back some branches which had been encroaching on his garden. He kindly bagged-up all the fruit however, even though it is probably too early to harvest them. I arrived home one day to a sack of mostly un-ripened and damaged apples. Laying out the bounty on my kitchen table, I thought about how many of these would have been discarded by a commercial grower, and what a waste it would have been. Then I remembered my Granny Ellis. On a Sunday evening in autumn, while everyone else was glued to the telly watching “Glenroe”, she would be sat in her armchair, devouring every sentence in the Diocesan Magazine. Her right hand would work its way through a small bowl of apples from her orchard, cutting the bad bits out and throwing them in to the fire. Whilst munching on the good bits of fresh, tasty, organic, zero air-miles apples, she updated herself on the world of Cork, Cloyne & Ross!!”


















































Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on September 17, 2018

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