Parish Notices Sunday 17th April 2016
The Rector writes ‘Today, the 4th Sunday of Easter is traditionally known as ‘Good Shepherd Sunday’ as the Gospel reading of today always focuses on Jesus as the Good Shepherd.
In the middle of Eastertide, this is an image which is speaks to us. Like the earliest Disciples, we can sometimes thrash around in our lives, getting ourselves tangled up, fearing what the future might hold and needing the reassurance that comes from knowing that someone is there to guide us and help us on the way.’
TABLE QUIZ for Parish Funds. Friday 22 April at 8pm in Canon McCrea Hall. €10pp or €40 per table of 4. Children €5. If anyone has items they would like to donate for a raffle or for Spot Prizes please let Adrian Bateman know. 086-8300379.
MOTHERS’ UNION ‘On being a Chaplain’. All are invited to join us as we very much look forward to welcoming the Revd Canon Dr Daniel Nuzum to speak to us tomorrow Monday 18th at 8pm in the Parish Hall in Carrigaline (next to the church).
Carrigaline home Group meeting on Wednesday 27 April at 8pm in the Poole’s home. The Revd Peter Rhys Thomas will be speaking on Healing Ministry.
SUMMER HOLIDAY CLUB ‘COPS & ROBBERS’ –This year our Parish will join again with Templebreedy Parish to run a children’s Bible-based Holiday Club from 18th to 22nd July in the Canon McCrea Hall, St Mary’s School. 10am till 1pm. €30 per child or €70 per family, which includes snack. Registration forms are available from the Parish Office or the Rector.
Owenabue Garden and Flower club Carrigaline will hold their next meeting on Monday 25 April at 8 pm in the C of I school hall. The topic will be “My Garden and other places” by the well known gardening writer Carmel Duignan. Visitors welcome. Any enquiries to 0863222615.
Coeliac Society of Ireland, Cork Support Group will hold a Summer Party on Tuesday 10th May in SMA Centre Wilton at 8pm. There will be a cooking demo and a dietician in attendance. All Welcome. (€5 entrance fee).
Carrigaline Family Support Centre need Volunteer Drivers for their Community Bus. If you have a D or D1 licence and some free time please ring 4919299 or email
Dates for your diary
18th Apr Toddlers Plus One 10 to 12pm Parish Hall
Monday Club 3pm to 5pm Parish Hall
Mothers’ Union 8pm St Mary’s Church Hall
22nd Apr Table Quiz 8pm Canon McCrea Hall
27th Apr Home Group 8pm Poole’s Home.
1st May Confirmation Service 11am St Mary’s Church
15th May Dawn Chorus 5am Currabinny Woods Carpark
20th May Family Beetle Drive 7.30pm Canon McCrea Hall
28th May Parish Féte 10am till 2pm St Mary’s School
29th May United Service St Mary’s 11am Sunday School
Prize-giving and Parish Picnic in the Rectory Grounds
7pm Service of Wholeness & Healing in St John’s Church, Monkstown
Random Notes CLXXXIX
We are all familiar with the ambush at Beal Na Blath on 22nd August, 1922, but thanks to Joan Gollock, I recently discovered a connection with Monkstown to the Collins family.
Michael Collins was born on 12th October 1890 to parents Michael John & Marianne Kate at Woodfield, Clonakilty, Co Cork. He had seven siblings including an older sister – Johanna (Hanna) who was born on 26th November 1879. Their father was a typical West Cork farmer but their mother had ambitions for her children and insisted that they all be trained with the Post Office in England. Johanna set off to London and quickly established her career in the Post Office.
During WW1, Michael Collins (born 1890) also set off to London and stayed with his sister while he began a similar career. During this period, Johanna would often be knitting socks and scarves for the soldiers in the trenches. Michael was disgusted by this apparent loyalty to the British forces and was know to un-pick the garments while his sister slept. Next morning, she would calmly re-knit them! She appears to have been a strong-minded (like her brother) yet un-assuming woman.
Upon retirement, Johanna retuned to Ireland and took up residence at Belle Vue Terrace, Monkstown where she lived for over twenty years. During this time in Monkstown, Johanna and Joan’s father (a retired Church of Ireland clergyman who had been in West Cork during the troubles) often met and talked. This alliance in itself, reflects the complex and conflicting attitudes and opinions that arise from ANY civil conflict.
Irish history during the troubles sometimes appears to have been painted for us in a very black and white picture; when in fact it is far more complex.
Being a friend of the family, Johanna was invited to attend at Joan’s sister’s wedding in St John’s Church and was determined to attend, even though this would have been frowned upon by the Roman Catholic Church in Ireland at the time. However, she received special dispensation from the local priest and joined the celebrations!
She died in Dublin on 28th December 1971, aged 92 years. RCE
The Rector adds a note …. Michael Collin’s Great Niece is the Revd Aisling Shine who is Assistant Priest in Drumcondra and North Strand Church of Ireland Parish.