Parish Notices Sunday 16th June 2019

Eddie Pierce writes ‘ I wish to thank everyone who made such a big effort to make our recent parish fete such a great success. From those who helped set up and down, to the stall holders, to those who contributed quality goods and prizes, who sold raffle tickets, who spread the word, who came and bought! Over €6500 was raised which will go towards parish funds. The Select Vestry has set the date for next year for 23rd May 2020 so put it in your diaries!!

Mother’s Union Outing on Wednesday 26th June. The day out includes a visit to Beechwood Garden in Glanmire and an early evening meal in the Elm Tree restaurant in Glounthaune. 

Total cost €40 per head including coach. Please let Hilary Warren Perry know on 086-2637137 before Wednesday 19th June if you can join us.  Bus departs St Mary’s Church at 12:15 or at the Conference centre at Rochestown Park hotel at 1pm. We will stop at Ballyseedy for coffee en route (not included in cost). Dinner at 5:30pm in the Elm Tree.

Theological Book Club’s chosen book for the Summer is ‘The Great Spiritual Migration’ by Brian D. McLaren. We will be meeting to discuss it in the Rectory at 8pm on Monday 30th September so you have plenty of time left to buy it and inwardly digest it before then!

17th June      Littlies + One 10-12 Parish Hall

19th June      Holy Communion 10:30am St Mary’s Church

25th June 6th Class Graduation Service St Mary’s Church

28th June      CAMEO Monkstown Bay Sailing Club 10:30am

29th June Holiday Club Art Day for Junior Leaders in Parish Hall  12 till 4pm.

30th June United Service 11:15am St John’s Church

 Service of Wholeness & Healing 7pm St Mary’s Church

22nd – 26th July     THE ADVENTURE CRUISE

                        Holiday Club 10-1pm St Mary’s School

Forms now available from Parish Office

Random Notes CCLXXIII

Transcribed beneath is further most interesting entry transcribed from the book of minutes of meetings of the Select Vestry in 1833.

1833, May 15th.,   ‘At an adjourned Vestry held in the Vestry Room of the Parish of Carrigaline on Wednesday, May 15th 1833. The apparent discrepancy between the accts. of the late Church Wardens and those of the year preceding was satisfactorily accounted for. It consisted of a sum of £3-9s-11 1/2d  paid to John Donegan for filling the Church yard and was carried forward to the acct. of the Church Wardens of the past year.

Parish of Carrigaline in acct. with David Deane and Charles Good

Balance recd. From outgoing Church Wardens, messrs. Daunt & Warren for the year 1831,                                                                                                                £32-7-1

Assessment then made first Vestry                                                        79-15-7 1/2

               Ditto               second  Do.                                                           12-0-0

Church Wardens for the year 1832,                                                     £124-2-8 ½

Two Clerks Salary                                                                                      £10-0-0

Sexton’s         Do                                                                                           7-0-0

Twine for Matting                                                                                       1-0

Vestry Clerk for paper                                                                                3

Postage for a letter from Board first fruits                                             1-1

Dusters for the Church                                                                               1-4

Slater at Chimney. Slates & carriage                                                      8-4

For an applotment book & binding Vestry act                                    10-6

For Bread and Wine                                                                                     10-6

Coals for Church                                                                                           19-9

Error in applotment                                                                                      5-0

Jno. Donegan for filling Church yard                                                        3-9-11 ½

Vestry Clerk                                                                                                    4-0-0

Maintenance of a foundling                                                                         4-0-0

for Parish Coffins                                                                                            1-8-0

Arrears uncollected 1832, particulars stated in applotment book     55-8-3 ½

Balance handed to the incoming Church Wardens                               35-18-8 ½

                                                                                                                     £124-2-8 1/2

The forgoing accounts for the outgoing Church Wardens were found correct having handed over to their successors the balance of £35-18-8 ½ they were then discharged and Benjamin Hutchins one of the Church Wardens for this year was duly sworn by the Chairman.

John Johnson, Clk., Benj. Hutchins, Thos. Warren, Church Wardens, W.H.W. Newenham, Michael Roberts, W.B.Warren, Benj. Atkins’                                   



Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on June 17, 2019

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