Parish Notices Sunday 17th November 2019

The Rector writes ‘The time is fast approaching for our theatre supper nights… I’m so glad that our Parish Drama group has gotten together again with the Douglas Drama group to delight us! This really is the perfect fund-raiser, with the emphasis on FUN !. The tickets are available from the Parish Office. Millie Kingston (086-8091443) is looking for volunteers for the Friday (29th) either at 3 in the afternoon to help set up or at 7.30 in the evening to help with serving the meal and washing up. Please contact Millie if you can help and thank you to her for co-ordinating.
During this coming week , you will receive a letter about the annual Gift Day which is next Sunday 24th. Also to remind you that at 3:30pm next Sunday I will be installed as Canon in St Fin Barre’s Cathedral during the Choral Evensong Service. All are welcome to join me & it would be just lovely to have many of you there.’

The Annual Gift Day giving will take place this year as part of the normal morning Services on Sunday 24th November
Christian Aid Calendars for 2020 are available at the back of both churches at a price of €10. Payment can be given to the wardens who will pass it on to John Sweeney, our Christian Aid rep.
Carrigaline Union & Douglas Union with Frankfield Drama are having another wonderful Theatre Supper event this November (7:30pm 28th, 29th & 30th November). Again held in the Canon Packham Hall in St Luke’s Douglas, this year’s plays are ‘A Secret Life’ by Harry Parsons and ‘The Music Lovers’ by George Feydeau . Tickets are now available from Madeleine Geary or Christine in the office .
Saplings Home Group will meet at the home of Trevor and Millie Kingston on Wednesday 27th November, @ 8pm Please let them know if you can attend. 086 809 1443. All welcome , looking forward to seeing you.
Monkstown Home Group next date of meeting is Wednesday 27th November 20.00 in Sarah Foott’s home Monkstown. We are studying the Lifebuilder text – ‘Images of God’ – Dale and Sandy Larson – all welcome.
Mother’s Union. Christmas craft night with Tracey Pierce. Wednesday 20th November in the Parish Hall. Christmas lunch Wednesday 4th December at 1230pm in RCYC. Further details to follow.
Owenabue Garden and Flower club, Carrigaline, will hold their Christmas Gala (supporting Pieta House), on Monday 25 November at 8 pm in St Mary’s school hall. Demonstrations will be given by Ann Slattery- AOIFA. Entry €10, including refreshments. Visitors welcome. Enquiries to 0863222615.
Bandon Grammar School – A history by Mr. Ian Coombes will be launched on Monday 25th November 2019 at 3PM by the one and only Graham Norton. The book will be available through the School Office. This event is by complimentary ticket only available through the school office. There will also be refreshments and a secret postcard auction in aid of the Burren Chernobyl Project. Tel 0238841713 or

The wonderful melody to the hymn ‘Hills of the North, Rejoice’, written by Martin Shaw (1878-1958), has the curious name of Little Cornard. This was the village in Suffolk where Shaw spent his honeymoon. Shaw studied with Stanford, an Irish composer and organist, and aimed to raise the standard of hymn tunes, likening some Victorian hymn tunes to ‘over-ripe bananas’ – oh dear!

18th Nov Littlies + One 10-12 Parish Hall
20thNov Holy Communion 10:30am St Mary’s Church
Mother’s Union 8pm Parish Hall
24th Nov Gift Day 9:30 and 11am Services
24th Nov Installation of Canon Elaine 3:30pm in St Fin Barre’s
22nd-24th Nov Mother’s Union Weekend Away Garryvoe Hotel.
27th Nov Monkstown Home Group 8pm Venue Foott’s Home
Saplings Home Group 8pm Kingston’s Home
28th-30th Nov Theatre Supper Night 7:30pm in Canon Packham Hall
30th Nov-1st Dec Carrigaline Christmas Fayre, GAA Hall
4th Dec Mother’s Union Lunch. 1230pm RCYC
11th December Christmas Film Night,’Risen’ 7pm in the Parish Hall-Mulled wine & Popcorn
15th December Carrigaline Community Carols, 7:30pm St Mary’s Church
22nd December Nine Lessons & Carols, 4pm , St John’s Church
24th December Carols around the Crib, 4pm , St Mary’s Church
First Eucharist of the Nativity 11:30pm St Mary’s Church
25th December 9.30am Eucharist St John’s & 11am Eucharist St Mary’s
29th December 11:15am United Christingle Service St Mary’s Church
30th December Hannukah Service, Shalom Park (time to be announced).
6th January 10am Epiphany Service in St Mary’s School, Waterpark
6th & 13th January 8pm Whist Class, Parish Hall
18th January Special Whist Night 8:30pm in Canon McCrea Hall for CEPT Carrigaline Welcomes Group
Random Notes CCCXXIII
1787, Directory of Passage West by Richard Lucas.
Anderson, Francis. Shipwright.
Atkins, G. Tavern Keeper
Atkins, See Foord
Bean, Thos. Shipwright.
Clark, Charles. Surveyor Customs
Connor, Melchior Carpenter
Cottrell William Brewer & Tavern-Keeper
Crispe, George. Grocer & Haberdasher
Daunt, Achilles. Tavern-Keeper, King’s Arms.
Foord & Atkins, Ship Builders.
Fraser, Charles. M.D. and Surgeon
King, George. White and Blacksmith
Kirkland, Samuel. Smith & Nailor
Lancaster, Jonathan. Ship Chandler & Rope maker.
Mann, Anthony. Surgeon
McCain, Thomas Brewer & Tavern-Keeper
Parker, Michael. Surveyor Customs
Roberts, John. Surveyor Excise
Romero, John. Tavern-Keeper
Tobin, William. Coach maker