Parish Notices Sunday 18th January 2015

The Rector writes  ‘First and foremost I welcome Fr Sean O’Sullivan and Fr Pat Fogarty, the Parish Priests of our sister Churches in Monkstown and Carrigaline who have come to preach in our churches today in celebration of this Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.

I would also draw your attention to the upcoming meeting of the Mothers’ Union in the Parish Hall this Wednesday 21st. I have long wanted to organize a parish pilgrimage and on Wednesday we will begin to explore the idea of walking the Camino de Santiago sometime in 2016 (for I’m told it will take at least 12 months for us to prepare both physically and financially!)   My thanks to the MU for facilitating this evening which is of course open to all.  Please do come along if you are interested in being part of this pilgrimage.

I have already had expressions of interest from some of my previous parishioners in Kilkenny so it might be a Grand Adventure.!   Today also marks the first of our ‘Live Feeds’ of Services in St Mary’s and thank you to Simon Woodworth for getting this off the ground.

I will have to make sure my make-up is up to scratch now.  The link for watching Services on-line is on our Website or you can type it in as follows:

DIOCESAN MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS for 2015 are due by 31 January. The annual subscription has increased slightly to €23 to cover rising printing and publication costs. Please pay Rowland Newenham or the Church Wardens.

FLOWER/BELL ROTAS If  anyone would like to be  included in Rota for both Bell Ringing and/or Flower Rota for 2015 (who isn’t already on it) please give their name to the Parish Office.  If you would like to chat about it then ring Joy Keefe on 087 2559844.  Those on the rota feel that it is a privilege to be able to help in our parish.  The flower rota is two people in charge of flowers for a month. So if                      someone feels they need to be paired with someone more experienced this can be  arranged.

CONFIRMATION The classes are on Saturdays, from 6pm to 8pm in the Rectory and will begin on Saturday 7th February with a view to the candidates being confirmed in St John’s Church during Easter-tide (this could be any Sunday in April , May , June, the date is entirely at the Bishop’s discretion) If you or anyone you know is interested in preparing for confirmation this year then please let the rector know in the next couple of weeks.

MOTHERS’ UNION  Wednesday, 21st January at 8pm Parish Hall. Walking the Camino de Santiago Way’. Some Parishioners will speak about their experiences walking this famous route. All welcome. Please remember membership forms and subs are due.

We are holding a Scrap Metal Collection over the next few weeks to raise funds for the Parish.  So have a clear out of your shed, garage and attic! If you require your scrap metal to be collected then we can arrange to collect it  from your home or business.  For information on where to drop off or if you need it collected. Call Adrian Bateman on 0868300379 or Henry Forbes on 0872035000.A full listing of acceptable items and materials is on the website

Owenabue Garden and Flower Club, Carrigaline will hold their AGM on Monday 26 January at 8 pm in the Canon McCrea Hall in the School. This will be followed by “Flowers with a Difference”- A Sugar Craft demonstration. Inquiries to 086 3222615.

Passage, Glenbrook & Monkstown GIY meet Thursday 22nd Jan at 7:30pm in the Church of Ireland Hall in Passage. We start the New Year with an information night for beginners or anyone thinking of growing their own fruit and veg in various spaces like raised beds, patios and small spaces etc. All welcome. Find us on Facebook at Passage, Glennbrook & Monkstown GIY or email for more info.

CARRIGALINE FAMILY SUPPORT CENTRE are running a 12 week Rainbows Programme for children in January 2015.  It is a peer-support programme to assist children and young people who have experienced loss in their lives through divorce or separation in their family.  It is for children aged 9-12 years old and the programme runs for one hour every week in the Carrigaline Family Support    Centre.  No cost. They will also be running 3 Parenting Plus courses for parents in January/February.  They will run the Adolescents (11-16 years), Childrens (6-11 years) and Early Years (0-6 years) programmes. These courses run for 8 weeks. To find out more information or to reserve a place on either of these           programmes please call 021-4919299.



Jan 19th    Toddler Plus One 10am Parish Hall

Monday Club 3 – 5pm Parish Hall

Jan 21st     Eucharist Service 10.30am in St Mary’s Church

Mothers’ Union 8pm Parish Hall



Jan 28th    Eucharist Service 10.30am in St Mary’s Church

Saplings Home Group 8pm Poole’s home.

Feb 7th   Confirmation Classes 6 -8pm in Rectory

Feb 12th   Friendship Club 11am Rectory

Feb 20th   Youth Club 7 to 9pm Parish Hall


Random Notes CXXVI


The illustration for this week’s Random Notes is a most attractive photograph, taken in St Mary’s Church most probably sometime in the mid 1980’s by a photographer, whose name, alas, has not been recorded.

The view was taken from the gallery of the transept, looking out through the beautifully glazed gothic window, with its upper lights filled the with original coloured glass. The Glastonbury chair, much in evidence, is now once again downstairs by the chancel where of course it belongs; the reason for its             banishment to where it was here photographed being quite unknown. The electrical box etc. to the right of the window does little; it has to be said, to enhance this otherwise quite lovely view!



Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on January 19, 2015

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