Parish Notices Sunday 18th March 2018
The Rector writes ‘This Thursday at 8pm in St Mary’s Church, the Carrigaline Singers will give a Concert ‘entitled Heartbeat’ which will raise much needed funds for the Carrigaline First Responders.
Admission is 10 euro and all the money raised will go to this wonderful group who are responsible not only for helping to save lives but also for erecting the beautiful old fashioned Telephone Boxes popping up all around the Carrigaline Area, including outside our own St Mary’s Church.
As most of you have already worked out, these boxes house not phones but Defibrillators which delivers a dose of electric current (often called a Counter-shock) to the heart. Please do come and support the Concert at 8pm on Thursday 22nd .’
Friday 23rd March at 8pm in the Parish Hall. All welcome. €6 per person.Bring your friends….Wear your finest!
If you can bring a salad or dessert please let Hilary or Jocelyn know.
A box will be at the back of St Mary’s Church to receive any donations of Easter Eggs for the children in Cuan Lee Women’s Refuge Centre in Cork City. These will be delivered to them on Easter Sunday immediately after our 11am Service.
LECTURE The 2018 E. T. S. Walton Lecture on Science and Religion is ‘Are Natural Disasters Acts of God?’ Prof. Robert White who is the Director of the The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion, University of Cambridge. Tuesday 20 March 2018 19:30, Room W5, West Wing, Main Quadrangle, University College Cork.
Passage, Glenbrook & Monkstown Grow It Yourself Group welcome Naturopath & Herbalist Margie Lynch on Thursday 22 March in the Church of Ireland Hall off Church Hill, Passage West at 7:30pm. The talk is about planning your own medicine garden. €5 no booking necessary. For more info call 086 2405573 or email:
Owenabue Gardening and Flower club Carrigaline will hold their annual Spring Show on Monday 26 March at 8 pm in St Mary’s school hall. Easter flower arrangements will be demonstrated by Chris Bailey. Visitors are always welcome. Enquiries to 086 3222615.
Time to think about what is lying around in the Attic or the Garage! It won’t be long now until 26th May and our Parish Féte in St Mary’s School.
21st Mar Holy Communion 10:30am in St Mary’s Church
Final Lenten Bible Study 8pm Parish Hall after 7:30 Evening Prayer
22nd Mar Carrigaline Singers Charity Concert 8pm St Mary’s Church
23rd Mar Mothers’ Union Candlelit Supper, 8pm Parish Hall, Carrigaline
24th Mar CDYC Annual Quiz, Parish Hall, Carrigaline
25th Mar Palm Sunday
26th Mar Monday , Tuesday , Wednesday of Holy Week:
- 10.30am Holy Communion in St Mary’s
- Joining with Douglas Congregation to hear Bishop David Chillingworth speak.
7.30pm in St Luke’s Church Douglas
29th Mar Maundy Thursday 7pm SEDER Meal in Parish Hall followed by Holy Communion.
29th Mar Good Friday:
- 10.30am St John’s – Morning Prayer with Litany
- 12 (tbc) Ecumenical Walking the Stations of the Cross in Carrigaline
- 7.30pm St Mary’s – Evening Prayer with Litany
31st Mar Easter Saturday 9pm St Mary’s – Easter Vigil Service
1st April Easter Sunday:
- Dawn Service, meeting at 6:15am at St John’s Church Monkstown.
- 9.30am St John’s – Easter Eucharist
- 11am St Mary’s – Easter Eucharist
9th April Toddlers Plus One 10am until 12 noon Parish Hall Monday Club 3pm until 5pm Parish Hall
12th April EASTER VESTRY 7:30pm Parish Hall
15th April Confirmation Service , United Service 11am, St Mary’s Church
16th April Theological Book Circle 8pm Rectory
Random Notes No. CCLXIV
Transcribed beneath is a further random selection of some rather interesting extracts taken from the book of minutes of meetings of the select vestry of Carrigaline, in the years 1893 to 1895.
1893, Easter General Vestry, Monday, 3rd April, ‘A unanimous vote was passed against the use of a Material Cross in any apparent connection whatsoever with the Communion Table.’
1893, Monday, 16th October, ‘’It was proposed by Captn. Conner, & seconded by Mr. R.H. Hayes, and passed unanimously that;-
(a) The painting of Dado etc for the sum of four pounds stg. be carried out.
(b) That the text “O Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness” be painted in artistic lettering around the Chancel window, for the sum of two pounds stg.
(c) That the interior of all windows be painted with one coat of white, and the inside of the three doors varnished. That the walls of the Vestry be washed in the same colour as the inside of the Church, and the ceiling whitened, for the sum of four pounds stg.
(d) That book rests of pitch-pine be placed on all seats’
1893, Monday, 6th November, ‘The subject of bringing the Baptismal Font from the Porch to the inside of the Church was discussed, and postponed to the next meeting, also the repairs necessary to make the window on the Western side of the Tower, secure against storms.’
1894, Monday, 19th November, ‘The subject of a Lectern for the Church was discussed and adjourned to next meeting’.
1895, Easter General Vestry, Monday, 15th April, ‘The subject of a Lectern for the Church was again under consideration and again adjourned.’
1895, 28th October, ‘It was proposed by Capt. Conner and seconded by R.H. Hayes that permission be granted to The Honble. Mrs Tighe to erect a brass tablet at right side of memorial window in the western end of parish Church, Mrs. Tighe to bear all expense incurred, and to pay the reduced fee of £1 for said permission.’